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"Félix," Marinette laughed as soon as they enter their house. It's been a whole day since she was specifically instructed not to come home until later, and she had no choice but to comply. After a whole day at Alya's, Marinette comes home to a plethora of presents that sat in their living room. Apparently, news spread that Haute Vogue's only heir was getting married and well, alot of people wanted to get on their good side. "Where the hell did you get this? We still have two months ahead of us," she asked, looking up at him.

Félix just giggled, gesturing for her to come sit by him. "I didn't buy it, people did! I kept getting deliveries all day. My mom told me to come in and pick them up from the office," he said. "I can guarantee our apartment will be very nicely decorated when it comes time for the big day," he winked.

She did, taking her space on the floor beside them, and it looked like an even bigger pile when she was sat on the floor like that. "Ughhhh, but this is gonna take forever going through," she whined, dumping herself all over him, fake sobbing. She looked up at him, pouting. "We don't even know half the people that sent these."

He laughed, reaching over and pulling her onto his lap. "Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that these are rich people and sending us presents. Beggars can't be choosers, pumpkin," he clicked his tongue, pressing a kiss on the crook of her neck. He picked up one of the presents and handed it to her. "Open it," he said.

She gasped, feigning offense. "Are you saying I'm a beggar?" She scoffed and crossed her arms, looking at the present in hand. Silver and wrapped in gold bow tie. She sighed, annoyingly slowly opening it. "Are you sure we /have/ to open all these? Can't we just look for-" the bow and the wrapper unraveled, revealing a coffee maker. Those really expensive ones with a bunch of features. She squealed. "Oh my god, Félix, quick. Gimme the next one."

He grinned as he saw her expression suddenly change and then laughed, taking the coffee maker from her and setting it down, and then tackling her to the ground, laying on top of him. "But I thought you didn't wanna open them! I guess maybe we could just give them to Alya and Nino if you don't want them," he smirked.

Marinette yelped, and suddenly his weight was on top of her and she was giggling. She stopped though, once the threat passed his lips, and she smiled sheepishly. "You know I was joking," she said, reaching for one of the smaller presents and holding it between their faces. "Can you really deny such expensive looking gifts?" She blinked.

He looked down at her and furrowed his brows, pursing his lips. "Just joking? You didn't sound like you were joking," he said, laughing softly as he took the box from her and set it to the side, kneeling on top of her. He took her left hand, studying the ring he'd put on her finger. "God, I can't wait to marry you," he said, kissing the ring, and then moving up to her fingertip and then down to her palm. "My /wife/. Do you know how much power that word holds? People will take me seriously now! I can say, 'Ah, sorry, I can't come to dinner because I have a date with my wife.' As opposed to girlfriend," he scoffed. "My wife," he whispered again and again and again, his smile only growing.

Marinette blushed, as he talked about calling her his wife so casually, so eagerly, as if it was the only thing that mattered. And maybe it was. It's been her dream, too, ever since she confessed to him. To be his wife. Him her husband. To live with him and love him wholly. "People always took you seriously before you even had a girlfriend, Félix, what the hell are you talking about?" She giggled, using her free hand to brush his hair out of his eyes, adoration and love swimming in her own. "But I can't wait to marry you too. Alya and I actually talked about it earlier. Do you wanna hear what I told her?" She asked.

He smiled wider and used his arms to spread her legs apart, laying in between them, elbows on either side of her stomach as he rested his chin on her chest. "Yeah, whatever, now I'll sound cool. Like one of those big bosses. With a wife. The best wife ever. The wife that everyone's jealous of. Oh, gosh, you're gonna be the best wife ever," he giggled, kissing her sternum, and then processed her last words and nodded. "Yes. Tell me everything, my love. What did you tell Alya about me? About us?"

Wanderlust - A Felinette Fanfic जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें