Chuuya and Dazais child. (Monsters).

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This is not a ship story. I repeat. This is not a ship story with the kid. this is simply if chuuya and Dazai lived together and had a kid lol. (Age 6)

(Papa- Chuuya.)
(Dad- Dazai)


Y/n's POV:

I sat up in bed fiddling with my fingers nervously. I knew there were monsters under my bed, I could feel it.

I decided it would be best to tell Dad and Papa. I quickly hopped out of bed and legged it to my door, so that the monster couldn't grab my ankle.

I sighed in relief once I reached the handle, and glared at my bed angrily before leaving my room.

I peeked through the living room door and saw Dad and Papa on the sofa watching a movie together. The both of them cuddled up in a blanket.

"Papa.. Dad.." I said shakily entering the living room.

"What's wrong?" Dad (Dazai) said in confusion, pausing the tv.

"Are you alright hun?" Papa (chuuya) asked worriedly.

"Well... t-there's..." I began but raised my head and looked at the confused yet worried look that was planted on both of my fathers faces.

"There's a monster under my bed!" I bursted out in fear.

I saw Dad immediately laugh whilst papa punched him in the gut signalling him to be quiet.

"It's not funny dad! I-it's going to eat me!" I said with my arms crossed.

Dad put a hand over his mouth in attempt to stop himself from laughing.

They both stood up and walked towards me.

"Cmon then lets go and get that monster away.." papa said holding my hand gently as we walked up the stairs, with dad trailing after us both.

I hugged papas arm as we entered my bedroom.

"Jeeeeeeeeshhh that's one scary monster there!" Dad said worriedly but to chuuya, clearly sarcastically.

Papa nudged him and rolled his eyes before crouching next to me.

"There's no monsters anymore ok? We've chased them off now, their scared of dads and papas.." papa announced, bringing me to bed and tucking me in.

Papa and dad gave me a kiss on the head each, and left the room.

Thank god the monsters didn't get me😰


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