chapter twenty-three; tom and sabine

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 i met him by chance.

  (sabine and toms bakery)

My parents invited me over for coffee.

"How are you feeling now Marinette?" my mother asks, reaching to feel my forehead.

"Better! My temperature is normal now." I say, happy i'm not sick anymore.

"Your boyfriend came to pick up your soup yesterday." my mom exclaims, her face lighting up.

Oh no.

She thought Felix and I were actually dating now.

"Oh, yeah Felix is a sweetheart." I say, smiling.

"I'm glad that's what you think of me." I hear a voice say behind me.

"GAH!" I say, nearly spilling my coffee all over my white shirt. "Felix! What are you doing here?" I say, looking at my mom.

"Your mother invited me over for breakfast, and since you came to my father's breakfast, I thought it would be very rude not to come." he says, sitting down next to me.

"That's so wonderful! Thanks for inviting him mom." I exclaim, faking a wide smile.

"No problem! Your father should be coming up with a sweet breakfast!" she says, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Great!" I say, Felix scoots a bit closer.

My stomach feels weird, like how someone would describe butterflies.

Maybe i'm just hungry. Yeah, i'm starving.

"Marinette, while we wait, why don't you show Felix your old bedroom?" my mom asks, pointing up to the attic door.

"Maman, isn't it a little dusty?" I ask her.

"Nope! I make sure it's tidy every few weeks, incase you come for a visit!" she says, having a proud smile on her face.

"I would love to see Marinette's old room. I think it's only fair, Mari, since I showed you mine." he says, smirking.

"Okay then, shall we?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"We shall." he says, I walk over to the steep stairs, and walk up opening the trapdoor.

When we enter my room, it was just how I left it. I felt a little emotional being in here, it's been a long time.

I see the pink theme, my loft bed perfectly made. My alarm clock still there, my nightlight still there. My parents had refused to get me a tv for my room, even though I have a fear of the dark.

My computer was still there, I sat down on my chaise.

"So, Felix." I say, he stands, observing my room.

"It's very pink." he says, chuckling.

"Pink is my favorite color." I say, crossing my arms. "Sorry your favorite color is black, evil man." I say, laughing at him.

"Actually, I think I changed my mind on my favorite color." he says, making direct eye contact with me.

I gulp, "Why?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just prefer it more." he says, looking embarrassed.

"Hey! Lovebirds! Come downstairs!" my father says. We both go down the stairs, I instantly felt right at home.

The familiar smell of sweets hit my nose, nostalgia hitting me. It felt like my childhood, when I would wake up and my parents would have a delicious breakfast ready. 

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