chapter seven; accidents and x-rays

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"i hate accidents,
except when we went from friends to this."



(third person pov)

Felix was running late to the office this morning, he rushes from his car, as he's walking, he notices Marinette in the parking lot.

He notices her heels, he shrugs and starts checking his emails.


He hears a purse splat on the ground, he immediately looks up and sees his secretary on the ground holding a broken heel.

He rushes over, making sure she's not injured. "Marinette!" he calls out, she looks over with wide eyes, looking mortified. "Don't come over here! I'm fine!" she yells out looking panicked.

(marinettes pov)

I hear Felix speeding over, coming closer. The rush of blood flowing from my knee.


(marinettes pov)

I was running late to work, so I decided running from my car in heels would be the best decision, unfortunately it wasn't. At all.

I feel my heel break and I feel myself fly into the concrete, feeling my ankle snap. "Marinette!" I hear a certain voice call out to me. I start panicking, "Don't come over here! I'm fine!" I yell out.

I touch my knee, a huge scrap from the impact, it stings. My ankle starts swelling. I sigh, why do I always have to be in these stupid situations?

Felix kneels over me, scanning over my body. He notices my knee first, and then my ankle.

"You should see a doctor, your knee is bleeding." he says, "It is? I didn't even notice!" I say sarcastically to him. He looks at me with a straight face and he stands up.

I try to get up and almost fall again. "Go ahead and go into the office Felix, i'll walk in eventually." I say, he looks and me again with a confused look.

"How are you gonna walk when your ankle is the size of a hedgehog." he asks, with a stern look on his stupid face.

"I'll crawl in if I have to." I say, crossing my arms.

"You look ridiculous," he says, with a big stupid grin on his face. "You're still trying to act like your a big strong person. In reality, your bleeding on the sidewalk with a broken heel in your hand and a huge ankle." he says, staring down at me.

I sigh, and try to stand up once again, my face twists in discomfort, my ankle feels like someone is slamming it against the sidewalk over and over without any mercy.

I feel Felix pick me up bridal style and start walking towards the parking lot. "What are you doing?! Put me down! Now!" I start protesting and kicking. "Shh, your making a scene." he says, with no emotions in his voice.

He walks towards a black Tesla, which i'm assuming is his car, I roll my eyes at the thought and he puts me in the passengers seat. "Where are you taking me?" I start yelling. "The ER.. where else would we have gone?" he says looking at my with a confused face.

A blush wipes across my face, "I don't know, for all I know you could be murdering me!" I exclaim while staring at him.

He rolls his eyes, "That's a ridiculous assumption Ms. Dupain-Cheng." he says while putting the car in reverse. "I thought we were calling each other by our first names, Mr Agreste." I say while attending to my still bleeding knee.

"I'll call you whatever I want." he says, while we leave the parking lot. I get on my phone, texting Alya I wouldn't be at work today. 

I feel light-headed, probably from my knee. "Felix, do you have paper towel? My knee is still dripping blood." I say with a worried expression, I start getting anxious, my knee and ankle look pretty serious.

He shakes his head no, and I sigh. I stare out the window while holding my bloody knee, I see people in cafes, people walking, people sitting reading. I wish I could be in a cafe, but no, i'm bleeding all over my bosses car! I bet some women would be happy to bleed in THE Felix Agreste's car, but me, not so much. 

Felix carried me into the ER and the nurses immediately ran to my side, why? Not because I was bleeding, it was because Felix Agreste was here, a well-known model for the Gabriel Agreste company. They take me into a room and bandage up my knee, "We need to get an X-Ray, so we're gonna move you into a room for now while we wait for our radiologist to come in." one of the nurses say, while staring at Felix.

"Okay sounds good." I say, leaning back onto the bed. "Mr. Agreste, are you gonna stay here with your girlfriend?" she asks. "Uh! He is NOT my boyfriend!" I yell out, and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Uh oh.. did I yell that too loud?

"Yes, I will stay here with Marinette. I drove her here." he states calmly. Did he not get offended by that statement?

I play with my hands in my lap, looking at my wrapped knee. How did this happen? Why me?  Why in front of my boss?, I keep thinking in my head.

"You really need to be more careful." he says, staring at me, like i'm the most idiotic person i've ever met.

"Well i'm sorry, I didn't know my heel would've broken, plus I was five minutes late." I say with an angry tone in my voice.

"You didn't have to run through the parking lot like foolish worker. You could've accepted being late." he said, while on his phone. "Oh, so why were you late?" I question him, giving him a nasty look.

"Well, I will not deny, I was late. I wasn't being an idiot and running through the parking lot, I mean you looked like you were being chased by a mob of zombies." he says, chuckling after the last sentence.

I roll my eyes, "Okay, well I have only been working here for a week, I didn't want you to fire me, or get into an argument, such as right now!" I say to him, with an annoyed look on my face. "Well, Ms. Marinette, stop doing things that cause arguments." He says, looking up from his phone and right at me. "ME?" I say, wanting to stand up from the bed.

"You're the one always shoving that huge coffee cup in my face, saying rude things to me, and treating me like i'm a robot!" I say, starting to raise my voice.

His eyes widened, my stomach twists in knots, anxiety filling my chest. "I'm sorry Ms. Dupain-Cheng, I will be more considerate from now on." he says, with a shocked expression still stuck on his face. "Excuse me for a moment, I will see if the radiologist has arrived yet." He says while walking towards the door.

He leaves and I feel guilty for yelling at him. I shouldn't have done that, or maybe I should've? I think all these stupid thoughts in my head, maybe it's a good thing?


After my x-ray, the doctors determined I had a mild sprained ankle. "Now, Marinette, it'll take one to three weeks to heal, so get some rest and make sure to stay off the foot as much as you can." he says to me, they wrapped my ankle in a tight bandage, and gave me a list of instructions.

Felix stands in the room while they were discussing, we've been at the hospital for about four hours, I check my phone time while they discuss things with Felix, I roll my eyes again, they probably think we're dating.


(third person pov)

Marinette sits in Felix's car, "Do you ever turn on the radio? Or are you just a "sit in silence" kind of guy?" she asks while holding in a laugh. "I don't typically enjoy music, I like classical music." he says, "What's your address?" he asks, "Why? Aren't we going back to the office?" she says, confused. "No, i'll have someone drop off your car later. You just got released from the hospital." he claims. "Well, my apartment complex is Coccinelles Appartements." I say, and he reroutes his car towards my apartments route.



Ladybugs Apartments ?! I wanted to put some ladybug references!! :)

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