EarthVerse: Contradictions of Thought

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...present day Boulder, Colorado

That was strange. Those words felt so real. What did they mean? contemplated Matt as he laid looking up at the ceiling. I wish they were here we could talk about this, Matt yearned as thoughts of his parents came to mind. Not particularly religious, Matt said a short prayer for his parents before finally drifting off to sleep.

After a restless night pondering the previous event at last night's Krav Maga class, an irritating alarm made Matt jolt awake. Smacking the alarm clock to silence it, Matt saw it read 7:00 am and groaned to himself. The first class for the day was Advanced Calculus at 8:00 am. Matt quickly jumped out of bed to get ready. Wednesday's schedule was both grueling and fascinating. Along with the math class and General Chemistry in the morning, Matt would spend the afternoon doing lab work for his Quantum Mechanics course. After grabbing some quick coffee and toast, Matt reached for his backpack and bolted out the door. Normally he would ride his mountain bike to class. Running late, he had ordered an Uber ride.

Pulling up to the Colorado University of Boulder front entrance, Matt quickly paid the Uber driver and ran up the steps before going inside.

"Glad you could join us, Mr. Larson," lamented Professor Johnson as Matt quickly took a seat. Fortunately, he was a good student, so his lateness would go no further than his public call out this time.

As the professor continued his lecture on the Fubini theorem, Matt sat staring at the overhead in front of him while his mind was elsewhere. What previous lessons should I be remembering...and why is it so important? pondered Matt as he continued to stare at the overheads. Maybe Julia and Dan can help me figure this out when we meet for lunch, thought Matt as he attempted to re-focus his mind on Professor Johnson's lecture.

Soon, the math class was over. After an uneventful chemistry class, Matt headed outside to meet Dan and Julia.

"Hey there, beautiful," Matt called out as he walked over to Julia and Dan.

"Why thank you, handsome," joked Dan as Matt put his arm around Julia and gave her a big kiss.

"Oh, you're beautiful too," Matt teased his longtime friend as he took Julia's hand.

Julia looked at her two male companions. "So where should we go for lunch today?"

"How about Dioni's? Today is two for one pizza and beer," said Dan while rubbing his stomach.

"Pizza sounds great, but no beer for me. I have an important lab later." replied Matt.

"Then it's settled, boys," declared Julia before they all started walking towards one of their favorite restaurants.

"Damm, this pizza smells good and taste incredible!" exclaimed Dan as he devoured the Meat Lovers pizza just brought to their table.

"So did your morning go okay, Matt? Dan filled me in on last night's incident at Krav Maga," inquired Julia to her boyfriend of two years.

"Yeah, I'm okay...but I did want to talk with you two about what occurred when I passed out," answered Matt.

"No problem, buddy. What's on your mind?" asked Dan before taking a swig from his beer mug.

"Well, it's funny you should ask about what's on my mind...because I actually heard a voice in my head after I blacked out last night," replied Matt.

" what did this voice say to you?" Julia asked.

"This unknown voice in my head said that It must leave me for a while, but that I should remember some sort of lessons from the past."

The table was silent for a while as everyone pondered the words Matt had heard in his head.

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