Suga and Joon stayed in the room while Emily was helping me walk towards Diana's room. 

"Is she okay? Truly. I need true answers." I asks her. 

"Not really. She um, she got violated more than one time and tortured by those guys who kidnapped her." 

"Who kidnapped her?" I wanna kill whoever did. 

"Some guys from her old neighborhood. Eliza was the one who remembered them and the policeman where able to find their hiding spot. Now they are all in jail." She explained and I was somehow more calm. Now that I know those guys got what they deserved. 

I nodded and then we got closer to what I'm guessing is Diana's room. 

"Ready?" Em asks me as she put her hand on the doorknob. I nodded and she opened the door, letting me see what's inside. 

Diana was lying on the bed, a lot of bruises covering her arms that were the only thing visible at the moment from her body and I immediately shiver when I saw her eyes closed, the heart monitor telling me she was alive. 

But when she heard us walking towards her, she opened her eyes, they were wide and she actually looked scared before she knew it was me. 

"Oh, Jk." She said and sat down a bit on the bed, covering as much as herself as she could with the thin blanket. 

"It's okay. It's just me." I said as I sat down beside her bed on a chair. 

"I'm gonna leave you two alone. Call the red bottom when you are ready to go back to your room." Em said to me as she left the room. 

Leaving us both alone. 

I look into her eyes that were looking at her fingers as she was kind of playing with them, avoiding my gaze. 

"I thought you would be happier to see me." I said in all honesty. She sighs as she closed her eyes but I saw one of her hand reaching out to mine. I took it and she squeezed it. 

"I am. You have no idea." She said, still not looking at me, but keeping her eyes closed. "I-I just have a feeling that this is going to be our last time seeing each other." 

"What? Why would you say that?" I asks her and took her other hand in my right one, having both her hands on my big one. Her hands were so little that they both fit into one of mine. 

"I don't want to bring you more stress Jk. I-I don't think I can keep doing this to you and everyone else." She said and I saw a tear rolling down her cheek breaking my heart in the process. 

"Don't say that. Don't you know that you are what keeps me going? You make my life a bit easier, a bit happier." I said as I began to close the distance between us, trying to make her feel my breathe on her face, making her open her eyes as she looked at me. 

"I have such a complicated life Jungkook. You don't actually know me as well as you think you do." 

"But I'm planning to keep knowing you. I want to keep knowing you." I said as I planted a small kiss on her cheek, but she put her head on the opposite direction, making my lips fall to her shoulder. 

"I also need time to recover from this. You soon will be going on tour, I don't want you to worry about me when you have to worry about yourself." She kept saying it as if it was already a decision. But I'm not okay with it. 

"This has to be a decision we are both okay with and I can tell this is hurting you as much as it is hurting me. But we can recover, together. You bring me hope, you bring me happiness and I cannot lose you. I may not even go on tour either way." 

It killed me to say that last part, but it's the truth. Specially after this, now I know if I get stressed out so easily and this happens, I may not be able to go. 

"We both need to be strong in order for this relationship to work Jk. And right now, I'm not strong enough." 

"I can make you be strong, I can help you." 

"But I need to help myself first. I-i'm not at my best right now and I can't resist hurting you again." 

I shake my head as I was not accepting this decision. 

"I'm gonna go back to my room, I'll probably get released soon. When I do, before I go home, I'm coming back here and take you home with me. Got it?" I said. "I'm gonna let you have some time, think about this. If I find you here again, then it means you want to keep trying. I hope you want to keep trying with us." 

Was all I said, before I stood up slowly, she closed her eyes at some point again of our conversation so I took the opportunity to kiss her on the lips. She kissed me back and I could feel her tears mix with our mouths. 

"I hope you want to keep trying like I do." I told her, before I left the room, feeling like I could collapse again any minute, and thankfully Emily was waiting for me outside the room and as soon as she saw me, she helped me walk back to my room. 

"I'm sorry about all of this." 

"You heard us?" I asks, although I wasn't shocked. And I'm kind of glad she did so I don't have to tell anyone else about this and breakdown while doing so. 

"Yeah. I hope she'll want to keep trying." 

"Me too." 

The love continues (Unexpected love pt 2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now