Chapter 4.

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Hoseok's POV 

This was a mistake. Why would I ever think this was a good idea? 

Maybe I should've of prepared a romantic dinner or go on a amusement park and asks her there. 

I'm not good at this. 

Maybe I'm not boyfriend material. 


"Yes." Wait. 


She smiled at me, looking as beautiful as ever and laughed a bit at my reaction. 

"Yes, I would love too." 

"Really?" I don't know why it was so hard to believe that she would say yes. 

"Yes Hoseok, I would love to go out on a date with you." 

Oh my God, she said my name and it sounded beautiful. 

I couldn't help but stepped closer and without thinking much about it, I hugged her. 

She was taken aback by surprise but she still hugged me back. 

"Thank you." I told her and I could feel her smile. 

"For what?" 

"For saying yes and giving me an opportunity." 

She didn't say anything else but I saw she continue to smile, even after we came out of the studio and all the boys could see us. 

They were all smirking but didn't say anything, which was weird, but I was thankful for it. 

"Anyway, let's continue." And we kept playing. 


After a while, everyone got a bit tired of the game and each of us went to do our own thing. 

I could see Jk eating something so I made my way to him. 

"Can you give me some?" I asks and he smirks while nodding and giving me some candy. It was good. 

"So you and my sister uh?" 

"Yeah... I asked her out." 

"I knew it!" He said that a bit loudly, making me turn red and look down. I've never felt this way before, this is weird. "Wow you actually turned red!" 

"Shut up." I said and he just kept laughing at me. 

"Oh my God. I never actually thought I'd see the day in which Hoseok has a crush!" 

"Jk stop it!" We began to have a pillow fight and everyone joined, even though they didn't know what we were fighting about. 

And by everyone, I meant Tae and Jimin. They always join the chaos. 

"What happened?" Jimin asks as we all laughed and sat down on the couch. 

"Hoseok got red!" Jk said still amazed. 

"Wait seriously?" Tae asks. 

"Yes! Can you believe it?!" Now they were teasing me, making me turn more red. 

"Okay okay that's enough." I won't get bullied by these guys anymore, so I decided to make my way to the computer room and play sometime with Jin. 

Jungkook's POV 

"Wow, he really likes your sister." Jimin commented as we all saw Hoseok go to the gaming room to play with Jin probably. 

"Yeah, he does." I said and shake my head while smiling. I'm just so happy for him. 

The love continues (Unexpected love pt 2) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now