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"Karl don't worry we saved enough cake for you" Quackity said. "What did it say on it?" Karl asked. "Well it was gonna say 'Do you wanna be my boyfriend?' but now that Quackity is here I'd to change that to happy birthday" Sapnap joked. "Fuck you! Karl said there will be no third wheels" Quackity laughed. Ugh I love my boys I could watch them Banter all day, Banter kinda a good name for a podcast "Karl do you wanna slice?" Sapnap asked. "I mean the only reason we came here was for me to get cake so no I don't wanna fucking slice" Karl said. "Here I cut you the biggest one..." Sapnap smiled. "I can't stay mad at you you're too hot" Karl giggled.

"Sapnap I know this is a heavy subject but are you planning to come back to school tomorrow? I know that the death of Luke was a very awful but I'll be with you for most of the day" Karl said. "Yeah Sap i've missed watching you walk down the hall" Quackity said. "Guys I'll try to go back but I want you to be right by my side" Sapnap said. "Well um we literally can't, we have different classes. I think we only have one class altogether" Quackity said. "Yeah also Alex Will you be attending school as well? with Charlie being taken care of by his girlfriend" Karl asked.

"Yeah, also the police showed up to our school apparently the people in the gardening club were trying to plant flowers and dug up a body" Quackity said. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Oh No. This isn't good. What is a find out it was me? That's impossible I hid everything too well but somehow they still found her. "Karl are you okay you just went pale?" Sapnap asked. "Could you take me back to your house?" Karl said. "Yeah, Yeah well it was nice seeing you Alex-" "No he can come as well" Karl said. "Oh do you want to join us?" "Sure I don't mind you probably are going to need someone to take the cake, cause it looks like Karl wants you to carry him" Quackity said.

"Karl do you want me to carry you?" Sapnap asked. Karl nodded. I can't speak I just can't I don't know what's happening I feel frozen I feel like a child this is not good maybe just being with my lovers will make me feel a lot better and not being out in a public place. "Sapnap turn it up this is such a good song!" Quackity said. "If I could write you a Song to make you fall in love I would already have you under my arms~" Quackity sang. "I used up all my tricks, I hope you like this but you probably won't, you think you're cooler than me" Karl hummed. "Oh you like this song too?" Quackity asked. "Well yeah I know every word and I can sing it as loud as I can" Karl giggled. "Aw you're so cute" Sapnap said.

"You need everyone's eyes just a few scene Girl, you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you, don't you?" Karl yelled. "Ah Karl your voice is really good but do you think we can put on the iCarly theme song Sap?" Quackity asked. "On it" Sapnap said. "So wake up The members of my nation is your time to be there's no chance unless you take one" Quackity screamed. "Sorry to cut the singing short but we're here" Sapnap said. "I got the cake! And I know where your fridge is Sapnap I've stayed the night here plenty of times" Quackity said. "Karl do you want me to carry you still?" Sapnap asked. "Yes please..." Karl mumbled. "God Karl you're lucky I love you you're literally taller than me and I have to carry you" Sapnap said. "I love you too..." Karl said.

"AY MAN! Where is mine 'I love you' Hm? I'm waiting you two" Quackity said. "Yo tambien te amo Alex" Karl smiled. "I love you Karlos" Quackity said. "Hey Karl if you want you can go sleep in my bed you look very tired" Sapnap said.

Different kind of love | Karlnapity Yandere |Where stories live. Discover now