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Okay so maybe just fuck English and go killed his dad right now, it's either Quackity or fucking killing someone I think I'll go with the second option it just seems more fun, I'll show up the class late than his eyes will be on me and then if he asks hey why are you dressed different? I'll just tell him I got water all over my clothes and I couldn't find any spares so I had to go home and change. It's a good excuse, I think he'll believe it.

I'm very happy that I by killing people like 10 times easier because I just have a bag packed full of weapons, hazmat suits and, gloves and all that stuff. Know how am I supposed to trick him into overdosing he probably knows what he's doing with the drugs hm i've never thought about that  maybe just give him a bit of roofies and then boom he'll be fast asleep and then I'll drug him again.

But I do need to tell Slimecicle about killing his dad or maybe I don't and I just do too, 'I need Charlie's number' I think being anonymous might work out. 'Oh? It's 191-291-3539' Huh weird number, maybe it means something, never mind. 'What's his address?' Hm what kinda drug should I use? Probably heroin I would assume he a lot of that.

'393 sludge Lane it's about 1 minute and 25 seconds away from the school' okay what is up with Slimecicle weird ass address, let's just see if dad is home and pay him a little 'visit' How can I get into the house without using the front door, I remember overhearing Slimecicle saying that all the windows are locked. I could do a little bit of cross dressing and say that I need 'help' and that 'I'm lost' it will probably be the only thing that will work. I do always looks good in a dress and I have the best hand and when it comes to makeup.

"Hello there, what's a beautiful girl like you knocking on my door for?" He asked. "I um i'm lost I don't know where to go, do you think you could let me inside you help me?" Karl said. "Yes come inside" He said. "Oh thank you good sir, your home is lovely" Karl said. "Oh sorry about that it's a bit messy because of all the stuff I do" He said. "Yeah you got any coke? I'm literally dying without it" Karl said.

"Yeah I got some" He said. Oh my this is certainly surprising I didn't think my cross dressing was that realistic "Baby girl I got it" He smiled. "Actually do you think we play a little game?" Karl smirked. "Fuck yeah! How do we play?" He said. "Just put this on, can I do anything I want to you?" Look I know that I'm going to kill him but consent is still very important, and plus he said I can do anything I want so that means I can kill him as well "Baby I let you do everything and anything to me" He smiled. "Perfect" Karl laughed. Hm there is some heroine left in this needle, i'll just choke him and then put the needle in his arm. "Baby girl, I have I a ch-hoking kink" He said. "Oh yeah? I'll just go hard" Karl giggled.

This is so fucking disgusting, I literally hate sex it's so gross but if I have to kill people to make my Quackity happy then it's worth it cos then we'll be together "D-Do you thin-nk you could go a b-bit lighter?" He coughed. "Sorry I can't really hear you, you're coughing a bit" Karl smiled. Oh he's going purple, he kind of deserves it though for being a dick to Slimecicle "I killed him! Wonder if my DNA is on him though..." Karl mumbled. I have Slimecicle's phone number just send him a photo of his dad and then I'll just get them wrapped around my little finger and we might be Besties. 'Hey look at this' okay he probably won't open it but let's hope he does. I should probably get out of here before the police come and people find out that I committed the crime. I'll just clean up a bit so I'm not suspicious.

'What?! That's my dad! What the fuck did you do and who is this?!' Oh that was surprisingly fast maybe it's because it's he three period I only know this because him and Quackity have the same one. 'Don't show anyone these texts or you're next, I did you a favour now you have to help me with one' I still haven't thought about what exactly want to do, because of I do anything revolving my name to think it's me. 'I haven't told anyone yet... what exactly do you want?' Recently I've been seeing Quackity but I've heard this one little person Foolish I think his name is? Maybe I can convince Slimecicle to steer Quackity away from him 'Don't let Alex and Noah get to close, i've seen him bat eyes him recently and I don't really like it'

I've overheard Quackity's flirtatious comments towards Foolish calling him super buff and really hot, it's not my cup of tea to take a pacifist route with everything but if I don't want to have suspicion or my name or go to jail I guess I have to take a pacifist route with this one as well. 'What? Is this about Alex? Do you have a crush on him or something why would you kill someone to prove your affection?' Look at little Slimecicle he doesn't understand my form of love, he might just I'm a girl though Because his father did and plus is Father definitely push to heterosexual stereotypes on him. 'Oh it's not exactly about him as much as I love him you cannot tell him this ever happened because if you do I will kill you. You'll end up with the same fate as your father' I feel so bad that I have to threaten poor Slimecicle oh he's such a nice boy but I have to do what I have to do to get my lovers. 'I won't tell him I promise, I just need to know who you are could you please tell me that?'

'No I can't, listen to me Charlie don't let Alex and Noah start dating if they do something bad is going to happen, not just for you but to Noah as well' I have to get back to class maybe I'll just change I do live for me about 15 minutes away from here, I don't want to get caught skipping I probably already have thought...

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