Chapter Eight: Leave

Start from the beginning

I pack all that I can in my backpack, and throw it onto my back. I am wearing as much as I can in the blistering summer heat, so that I don't have to leave much behind. I walk out that day, in blue slim denim jeans, a grey t shirt covered with a basketball jersey and a sweater with my favourite team on. I pull a snap back on and adjust my shades and I leave, nobody stops me, my parents watch me leave from the window and I turn away, not looking back. I didn't know where I would go or what I would do but I knew I only had a choice to leave because I couldn't change the part of me that they hated.

I think I sat at the bus station in town for an hour, before I realised it was a Sunday and it wasn't running as normal. I began then, the hot and humid walk into the city, hopeful that I would make it there without heat stroke, my belly was empty and I hadn't had a drink. I was a wreck with no destination.

As if all the stars had aligned for me that day, Helena drove past me, and realising it was me, she made a U turn, and came back for me, her car gliding up beside me as she slipped the window down "Willa" she called out.

I jumped out of my daze, and looked down into the car "Mrs Anderson" I acknowledged.

"Where on earth are you going" she asks me surprised.

I shake my head "you shouldn't be talking to me... please pretend you didn't see me" I ask.

She looks bemused "what... don't be silly get in this car right now" she demands.

I do, I step in and place my bag on my lap.

She looks me over curiously "what is going on" she asks me worriedly.

I remove my glasses, and she gasps to see the redness of my eyes and the tears that still fall. "Oh darling girl what has happened" she asks reaching out and running her hands over my cheeks to wipe up the tears.

"I shouldn't say" I return. "My parents don't want anyone to know"

Her eyebrows shot up "they know you are leaving for somewhere" she asks me confused.

I nod "They wanted me to go"

"But why" Helena asks looking shocked and a little upset at this revelation. "Everything seemed fine last night at the party" she thought back.

"Last night I told them I am gay... and they said if I don't fix it, that I need to leave"

"Oh my darling" she said tearing up at the thought and pulling me into her arms "I can't believe they would do that to you, they adore you" she says trying to make sense of something that was senseless.

"They did adore me" I return, and I wipe my eyes."past tense ... pre gay"

"But where will you go" she asks me "are you going to college dorms early" she worries.

I shake my head "my dad isn't going to pay for it anymore... I'm not going to college" I confess and it hits me again like a train at full speed.

"What on earth" she says shrilly. "Where do they think you will go" she says looking out of the window in disbelief.

"I don't think they care right now as long as I am not in their house where they have to look at me"

"Willa, I will not have you walking the streets it is not safe for you... Joseph's parents own the pharmacy, it has an apartment above it that is furnished. It is empty now that uncle Jim has moved to the retirement home. Please, I will drop you off there while I speak with your mom about this. I will find you something more permanent, but I am sure you will return home once they realise what they have done letting you leave. Please will you go there with me" she asks, and I nod. I am completely overwhelmed at her generosity and beyond blessed she has spotted me walking, because honestly, if she hadn't, I don't know what fate would have befallen me.

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