Chapter Eleven

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"I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will be."


Waking up with a loud yawn, she stretched her arms high above her head, pushing off the blanket that had covered her entire body, leaving only her head and neck exposed.

As she remembered how Kirishima's face lit up once she had told him that she had trusted him, she smiled to herself, thinking of the boy who had taken her mistrust and sadness and instead turned it into happiness and light, her life now full of smiles and gentle embraces instead of screams and death and trauma.

Standing up and combing through her hair with her fingers, she wiped the sleep from her eyes and got dressed in normal civilian clothes–it was a sunny saturday, and she remembered that a while ago she had promised Mina and her gang that she would go shopping with them.

She decided to wear black converse shoes, and, taking the somewhat warm weather into account, Y/N chose to wear a black hoodie and denim jeans, the pair that she had gotten bored and doodled on with a marker in class. After Y/N brushed her hair and applied a little bit of makeup, she slung a purse over her shoulder and walked out of the dorm.

Time skip brought to you by Kiri molding his hair into a heart

"Lingerie?" Y/N deadpanned.

Mina began to laugh while Yoamomo, Ochako, and even more so Jiro became uncomfortable at the mere mention of it.

"I'm kidding," she wiped a tear from her eye and thought it better not to add what she was thinking. Now that I see your reactions anyway.

"It's a good time to get Deku something, eh?" Y/N said, after the laughing subsided, nudging Ochako. She burned red.

The girls all giggled–it was a scenario when no one was being laughed at, instead being laughed with–and Ochako giggled as well.

"Now, Y/N, you can't talk!" Mina said, wiggling her eyebrows.

She deadpanned, while her face went red, and she looked down in order to avert everyone's gazes.

"I- Kirishima and I aren't-" She murmured, but gave up; Mina had a point. They had been acting like they were a couple, hell, the two of them even went on a date! "Damn it. . ." She muttered, and, when she thought of the optimistic and light-hearted red-head, she smiled a little, and her cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Ohh Y/N~!" Mina teased, making the poor girl's face even more red.

"Dang, he struck a chord in your heart, and now the note is finally starting to play." Tsu said, making a musical reference.

"Nice metaphor." Yaomomo commented with a smile directed towards the girl with the frog quirk.

Y/N hummed softly, walking towards the bookstore in the mall, looking for nothing in particular.

Quickly scanning the summaries on the backs of books or the insides of the jacket covers to know what the book is about, she smiled, finding a book that looked interesting.

Walking up to the cashier, the man at the front desk rang up the price of the book, and once Y/N had paid, he wished her a good afternoon and gave a polite smile.

Time skip brought to you by two antisocial writers who legit don't know how going to the mall is supposed to work!

It's a new day. Y/N (who is now as sleep deprived as her adopted family after reading all night) woke up grudgingly. Sundays were her favorite day because it's the one day everyone was just as down as she was. No one trying to make plans with her or running around with their happy go lucky personalities. It's sunday and no one is happy about Sundays. But today was different. Where Y/N would normally wake up ecstatic to have a quiet day celebrating her depressed classmates, she felt just as depressed. She didn't want to go to school tomorrow either.

She actually wanted to make plans and go out with her class. More specifically, she wanted to go out with Kirishima. She hated Mina for bringing it to her attention, but now that it's been brought up, she couldn't get it out of her head. That stupid fake ginger.

She groaned as she took the elevator to the lounge. Everyone was leaning over the couch, dead from Saturday. Apparently while all of the girls went to the mall, all of the boys went to laser tag. It was a full weekend for everyone, not to mention the weighing dread from what was happening Monday.

Tomorrow was the day all of the teachers gather all of the hero course students in the training field and allow them to just go ham. It should've been exciting, but everyone knew who the top few would be. As it has been for the last three years. It's always them. Always always always. That doesn't stop everyone from trying their best, but it does stop them from being excited about these events.

She found Kirishima on the couch, draped over the edge. He was whining about something that happened yesterday. Apparently, Bakugo dominated their game and took it way too far. At some point, quirks were brought into it, and they were all kicked out.

Y/N sat next to him, ignoring the expressions the girls made at her. "We all got an earful from sensei, despite it being Bakugo who took it too far." She noticed a small bruise under his eye.

"Did he do that?"

He nodded. "Yep, I wasn't ready for quirks, so I wasn't prepared to use mine."

"You should always be prepared!'' Bakugo yelled from the opposite end of the couch where he sat adorned with his own bruises. Y/N could only assume they were gifts from Aizawa. As the years went on, Aizawa became far too accustomed to beating on Bakugo for whatever it was he did wrong at the time. A fun spectacle for the rest of the students. Though, she knew that if ever they thought he didn't deserve such a harsh punishment, they would have stepped in.

Y/N stood and went to the kitchen as Bakugo and Kirishima fought. Breakfast wasn't all that appetizing to her then. Instead, she filled an ice pack. She placed it on Kirishima's head, and his hair drooped with the weight. She found it almost impossible to not think he was cute. The same went through his mind. He thought it was incredibly manly of her to take care of him.

He smiled softly, before reaching for her hand and pulling her to sit down next to him. As she landed on the couch, her head rested on Kirishima's shoulder, and she allowed it to stay there, humming quietly to herself. Y/N reached for the blanket lazily draped over the back of the couch, pulling it over herself, partially covering Kirishima in the process.

He let out a sigh of content–He'd always liked Sundays. They were the days that he could laze around and no one would bother him about it. After all, even the manliest of men needed a break every once in a while.

He wrapped an arm around her, noticing that Y/N's eyes had closed and her breathing had slowed; she'd fallen asleep, her head still resting on his shoulder.

Mina looked over at you from her spot at the kitchen counter, and she squealed, catching the attention of Yaomomo, Tsuyu, and Ochako, who looked over at Y/N and Kirishima–who was now asleep–their eyes wide as saucers, large grins on their faces.

The energetic pink-haired girl quickly pulled out her phone and took a series of pictures of you and Kirishima with varying filters, before sending the best looking ones to the other girls, and one picture to Y/N.

The group of girls all giggled, talking about Kirishima and Y/N, and how they were 'desperately in love with one another, and fated to be together.'

Bakugo, who had been looking at his phone the whole time, had been alerted by the group of giggling girls, and raised an eyebrow, before sneaking a glance at Kirishima, a very small–but definitely there–smile appearing on his usually furious face, as he thought about how his best friend had finally found someone to be with, though he might now know it yet.

Words: 1,390


(Hazard) Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to say that that took WAY too long to write, which was both Odd and my faults. Hope you're all doing well and staying safe.
Happy reading!

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