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""No matter how many people you may lose, you have no choice but to go on living. No matter how devastating the blows might be."
-Tanjiro Kamado


When she was little, Y/N's family was killed by falling rubble in a villain attack. Just by that sentence you would believe Y/N has a hatred for villains, and she does, but the better half of that hatred is aimed towards heroes. Specifically Crimson Riot. In the chaos of the villain attack Crimson Riot saw her struggling to lift the rubble off her parents and younger sister but ran in the opposite direction, ignoring her pleas for help.

Her hatred and resentment towards him was set in stone when her parents' begs for her to run and leave them behind and her sister's incessant crying stopped. When her mother and father's hands--which tried so desperately to push her away--fell to the ground, still and without a pulse.

A hero who doesn't try to save people first is no hero at all.

Y/N eventually found herself in the care of a pro hero at 13 years old, one she could never bring herself to resent like the others. Unlike Crimson Riot, who went after the villains for glory, Eraser Head always stayed out of the limelight. Y/N respected him for that, and aims to become a hero like him. One who will save people because it is what's right, not because it will bring her fame.

She has been in the hero course class A for all of her years in UA. Keeping a nice persona through everything she hears her classmates talk about. Katsuki Bakugou yelling about being number one and Ochaco Uraraka becoming a hero for the money, it goes against Y/N's beliefs. If she didn't care about making friends, she wouldn't have left those comments unchecked.

Instead she laughs along with them and pretends to agree. There is only one person in class she refuses to get along with is Eijiro Kirishima. In the first year of the hero course, when Midnight came to help them choose their hero names, Kirishima made it very clear he idolized Crimson Riot. He even named himself 'Red Riot' as tribute. It was right about then she stopped trying to befriend him and ignored his attempts to befriend her. Still, she kept her fake smile on and was never mean to the boy, but her thoughts were good enough.

Words: 382

Hello there! I hope you enjoyed reading the prologue of To See You Smile (TSYS for short)! I'm just here to give you a clue as to what's going on with the author's notes at the end of each chapter. This is Hazard speaking. NotOddAtAll wrote this wonderful chapter. We are going to alternate writing the chapters, but she is going to write the next chapter. After that, I'll write a chapter then she will and we keep going until we finish writing TSYS. And, as for the author's notes, when she writes a chapter, I'll write the author's note and vice versa! :D
Also, please don't be afraid to comment on things, just try to keep it PG-14, okay (even though dirty jokes are indeed welcome)? And hate comments are not appreciated. Thanks! :DDD


To See You Smile // A Kirishima x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now