Chapter Two

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"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
-Phyllis Diller


She blinked, processing what Kirishima had stated, and it took her everything to not burst into a fit of hysterical laughter--what he wanted would never happen. Only Shinso and Aizawa know her genuine smile.

"Really? You want to see me smile?" She remarked. "That's a little pathetic, don't you think?"

He shrugged with a determined expression on his face, and though his eyes were gentle, they were harder than stone. He knew what he wanted.

"Come on, we have to patrol." She said, walking towards the street, her gaze wary and her movements careful.

"You still haven't told me how your quirk works." He sighed, walking behind her.

Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation. "My quirk allows me to conjure and manipulate light. When I use my quirk I get burned. If I get distracted and if anyone else is close to me, there's a chance that they'll get burned, too, because my quirk would have gone out of control. And if I'm using my quirk when I'm not in sunlight, it'll drain my energy." She said, "is that a good enough explanation for you?"

He nodded, trying to figure out how their quirks would work together.

Timeskip brought to you by Dabi burning Toga's hot dog while they went camping.

"Good work you three. You can go back to your dorms now." Fatgum praised, a small smile on his face.

Y/N nodded, walking into the women's bathroom to change into her every-day attire: a hoodie and leggings.

She walked back to U.A.'s dorms, listening to her music while she hummed along. "Why are there so many love songs on here-?" Y/N questioned her past self with a small frown, but shrugged it off; maybe she just wished to be loved.

When she closed the door--having sprinted to her room, wanting to avoid as much attention as she could--Y/N let out a sigh of relief, flopping down onto her bed while she scrolled through posts on Twitter and Instagram, eventually shutting her phone off when she got bored.

Rolling onto her back, Y/N closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Timeskip brought to you by Bakugo with a genuine smile.

She rested her elbow on her desk and her chin on her hand, spacing out while Midnight rambled on about the Edo Period and whatnot.

When her teacher asked a question, she snapped out of it to find that everyone's eyes were on her.

"L/N, did you hear me?" Midnight asked, her tone disapproving.

She shook her head. "No, sorry ma'am. Could you repeat the question please?"

Midnight nodded. "What was the system of land ownership in the Edo period and were farmers permitted to own land?"

Y/N thought for a moment, before providing her answer. "Under the Edo political system, which was a kind of feudalism, Shogun gave land to daimyos to rule in exchange for loyalty. Farmers were considered to be part of land and prohibited from moving. No land sales or rentals were permitted. Under such a system, the modern concept of land ownership is difficult to define. We can say that ultimately and indirectly, everything was owned by Shogun. Within each han, daimyo had the right to govern and tax his land. But each village had autonomy, as long as they paid rice taxes. It is difficult to say who owned land."

Midnight smiled. "Correct. Now-" She looked over at Kaminari, who had fallen asleep. Stepping in front of his desk, she tapped his shoulder.

He opened his eyes, and looked at Midnight. "Kaminari, tell me, why was only the Dutch language chosen for Western studies in the Edo period?"

The boy blinked, and opened his mouth, but Midnight interrupted him before he could give the incorrect answer. "Sero, you're a smart boy, perhaps you could answer for your dear friend who has been sleeping for the past hour and a half instead of paying attention."

The black-haired boy started to sweat nervously, shaking his head. Midnight sighed. "Is there anyone other than Y/N willing to provide an answer for me?"

Kirishima raised his hand with a confident smile. The teacher nodded at him. "Go ahead."

He cleared his throat quietly, before speaking. "Because the Netherlands was the only Western country that the Bakufu granted the right to trade with Japan--the other permitted trading partner was China. So all the technical books imported from the West were in Dutch. Studying the Dutch language was equal to learning Western technology. Among the Western countries, the Bakufu allowed only the Netherlands to trade with Japan because the Dutch were Protestant--the Catholic countries like Spain and Portugal sent aggressive religious missions to convert Japan to Christianity, which the Bakufu did not like; and the Dutch were more interested in commerce than religious activity. The Dutch themselves seem to have argued with the Bakufu that the Spaniards and the Portuguese were trying to invade Japan or exploit gold and silver mines in Japan."

"Correct." She said while the bell rang. "You're dismissed. Go eat your lunch in the cafeteria."

Everyone stood up and walked to the cafeteria, filling the silence of History class with their conversations and comments. Y/N, however, stayed behind, a fork in one hand and a bowl of hastily made macaroni and cheese in the other, while a book rested on her desk.

"You're not going to join your friends?" Midnight asked, standing in front of Y/N while she sorted through the worksheets that they had started that day.

Y/N shook her head, taking a bite of her food. Once she swallowed, she spoke. "Do you mind if I hang out on the roof? It's really sunny today and I'm feeling pretty tired. Maybe sitting close to the sun will help me get some energy back. Oh, and Aizawa Sensei is cool with it."

Midnight nodded. "Just don't be late to your next class or you'll have hell to pay later." They both knew how Aizawa would react.

Little did Y/N know, Kirishima was listening just outside the door; he wasn't purposely eavesdropping, he only followed Bakugo, who had forgotten his bag in the classroom.

"Move it!" The temperamental boy growled, and Y/N complied, walking out of the classroom towards the stairs that led to the higher floors and the roof. Unbeknownst to Y/N, Kirishima followed her after he had grabbed her book.

Words: 1072

Hey ya'll it's NodOddAtAll. Everyone say thank you Hazard for this wonderful chapter! Make sure to vote and check out their other work too!

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