Chapter Three

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"The secret to the creative life is to feel at ease with your own embarrassment."
-Paul Schrader


Y/N lay on the roof like a reptile sunbathing. It was peaceful with none of the other student's subconsciously pushing their ideals on her. Like all peace, there was an end, whether it was a rebellion like in the Edo Period or a determined shark boy with a premature crush.

The door to the roof was pushed open slowly and creaked with each movement. Kirishima popped his head out and saw Y/N laying on her back with her eyes closed. He originally brought the book up as an excuse as to why he went up there, but it proved to be useless. He created a plan to see her crack a smile.

He sat next to her, and she was fully aware of every move he made but didn't plan on letting him know she was awake. Of course, he knew she was awake. It was obvious by the eye movement behind her eyelids that tracked his movements despite not seeing them.

He tossed the book down next to him and started to talk. "Untold secrets are those best kept, but I need to get them off my chest. You won't tell anyone right?" No response, "Of course not, you're sleeping." He laughed quietly to make it sound like he cared about waking her up.

She listened, happy to accept any dirt on him that she could in case a need for it would arise later. Unfortunately for her, he had no interest in giving her actual ammunition against him.

"I still wet the bed." He looked for any change in her face, even the slightest twitch in her lip to show a forming smile. Unfortunately for him, she had no interest in that kind of humor. "But it's not my fault, I never go to the bathroom at night because I don't want anyone to see me in my nightgown. I don't want them to think I'm not manly."

Again, nothing. Y/N didn't suspect he knew she was awake, but she knew something was up. Unless that man who had an obsession with being manly actually wore a nightgown--not that there was anything wrong with that, it was just she couldn't name a person who actually wore nightgowns.

I need to figure out what she finds funny. Kirishima thought. The answer being: not much. Hardly anything could have made that child laugh.

He decided to try everything. Starting with humor based on the unexpected. "Bakugo wearing clogs." Humor based on others' suffering, "Kaminari sneezing in a pool." Puns. "After using his quirk, Aoyama is Ow-yama." Food jokes. "When you're so hungry you could eat a house, cottage cheese is for you." He slapped his legs to make the 'badumpshhh' tune.

Y/N remained stone-faced, but knew what he was trying to do. She didn't care and still didn't want to talk to him, so she still pretended to not know and stayed 'asleep.'

Knock knock jokes. "Knock knock." In a high pitched voice he answered himself. "Who's there? Deck. Deck who? DEKU!!" He mocked Bakugo.

"Kacchan?" A confused voice came from below the school.

Kirishima's failed attempt to make her laugh caused him to break down laughing at Midoriya's response.

The school bell rang and she got up and walked away, leaving Kirishima to sulk before he realized he was about to be late. He perked up when he realized he never actually gave her her book back.

Just one more year. She thought to herself, Then I won't have to deal with him ever again. Even if I do, it will be during villain attacks. No awful jokes then.

Y/N got to class before the next bell rang, feeling fully charged from the sun but completely drained from Kirishima's interruptions to meet a healthy balance of only slightly tired.

Kirishima came into the room just after the bell rang, and luckily for him, Aizawa was always late. He saw Y/N zoning out at her desk and came up with one last plan before class started.

He walked in front of the class to his seat, but took a little trip instead. No, really, he tripped himself over the back of his foot and face planted in front of the entire class.

Sero was the first and loudest to laugh followed by the rest of the class who joined with quiet chuckles and comments. Kirishima propped himself up on his hands to see Y/N laughing, but it was her humorless laugh--the one she used to fit in with everyone else.

Y/N looked at him through her eyes that squinted with her well-practiced laugh. She knew it would bother him, that was why she bothered to laugh at all.

He trudged back to his seat before Aizawa came in.

Y/N watched with infatuation. He wanted to see her smile, but why? He wouldn't gain anything from it. Self-satisfaction is the most she could think of, but that didn't strike her as a good enough reason. If he looked up to Crimson Riot there has to be something she was not seeing. Something self-serving.

She didn't think too much about it during that class. She decided that he would give up before the ulterior motive presented itself to her.

She started to actually take down notes of Aizawa's lecture. All the while Kirishima stared holes into her head.

Timeskip brought to you by Sero tying Mineta up like a piñata.

It was a free period when Shinso went up to her.

"Why aren't you with Mirodyia and the others?" She asked.

"Because something is bothering you."

"Is there?" It was a genuine question. As far as she knew she pushed the matter aside, but as Shinso pointed out, she really hadn't. She internally scolded herself for letting it rest in her mind for so long. "It doesn't matter, it won't last long."

"You know you can talk to me." He said seriously.

"I know, I always can. But it really isn't worth the time."

"L/N!" Kirishima came through the door, waving like a toddler. He placed a cup of coffee on my desk. "I got you a drink." He was surprised to see Shinso sitting next to her. He was so focused on Y/N he looked right past him. "Hi Shinso! I bought extra incase Y/N didn't like coffee, here." He started pulling several drinks, all different flavors, from his bag.

"How much did this cost you?" Y/N inquired in disbelief as he kept pulling more from his bag. One of everything the vending machine had to offer.

"Not a thing if you like even one of them." He smiled what should have been endearing, but his smile just made her uncomfortable.

She grabbed a drink from the desk and thanked him for it before she walked away. He looked after her confused. That behavior was strange even for her.

Shinso understood why Y/N left. She didn't want someone who looked like him to be nice to her. It might start changing her perception of him or that night. She needed that hate to keep going. For her, it felt like her hatred was the only thing she had left.

It hurt Shinso to think that, but he knew it was true. Y/N is most concerned with what she lost, not what she has now.

Words: 1229

Hey guys! Hazard here again! I don't have much to say about this chapter, other than macaroni and cheese is pog. Hope you enjoyed it!
Happy reading!

To See You Smile // A Kirishima x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon