Chapter Twelve

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"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."
-Dolly Parton


"There is a villain, I expect all of you to deal with it quickly." Aizawa stated, walking into the dorm's common room calmly.

Stuff like this has happened since the beginning of their third year. Aizawa warned the students of an attack—sometimes he told them where it was, others they would have to find it by themselves—but every time, they found All Might in one of the training grounds with a generic black mask, yelling things like 'Muahaha!' Or 'I am a villain! *Villain noise*'

Everyone jumped up from their breakfast and suited up. Despite already being accustomed to this, some people still whine and cry every time the students go.

"Shut up, Mineta!" Bakugo shouted as he and his fellow students started running out of the common room.

"Teams one and two split up between the north grounds. Teams three and four do the same with the south. Radio in when you have eyes on the villain!" Iida ordered.

Everyone voiced their own on-character agreement and split up. Y/N was team one, Eijiro was team four. The teams were chosen to each have a strong offensive and defensive—Supposedly.

Y/N's team made it to the northern fields and instantly found something wrong. The fake buildings were more destroyed than usual, All Might probably having a ball of a time.

She told her team and team two to go ahead while she contacted the others.

"North field one-"

She was cut off by another signal. "All Migh- I mean- a villain spotted south of field three. Team has engaged." Uraraka spoke in a slightly panicked tone.

"Wait- Ochaco," Y/N chimed in, "a villain has been spotted in the north."

"Maybe because we've been winning the last few times they're making it harder," Uraraka said thoughtfully, humming to herself.

"Okay teams one and two have this covered, focus on All Might." Y/N instructed, thinking strategically.

"Aye!" Ochako said.

She tucked the radio in her pockets and headed toward where her team went. In the distance, another large building collapsed on itself—this all seemed a bit much and too realistic for practice

Ahead of her, all of teams one and two stood in the dust thrown up from the building. Some acknowledged her as she came up behind the group.

"Teams three and four are fighting All Might, who are we fighting here?"

"We don't know yet." Shinso was the only one who answered. Everyone else was immediately thrown into a whirl of thoughts all following the lines of 'Who the hell can break down buildings like this, if not All Might?'

"Are we just going to stand here?!" Bakugo barked, "We need to beat this villain's ass before the other teams can beat All Might!"

"Bakugo is crass, but right. We shouldn't be waiting. If this was a real villain attack, they wouldn't give us time to figure it out." Momo chimed, already materializing a metal staff from her chest. "Team one, look for any civilians caught in the attack. Team two, track down the villain."

The teams split up. Team one tore apart the rubble. After some time, Y/N, the unofficial leader, gave the order to help team two, seeing as no civilians were endangered.

Shoto thought it odd there were no civilian actors, but after Kaminari cheered for Aizawa giving them an easy assignment, he let it go. It would make sense they wouldn't use the actors when their forces are already spread so thin between the two grounds. If he could guess, there would be two attacks in the next training round, including civilians. This was just a warm up, and it made him want to groan with detest.

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