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I was hiding, and these days it wasn't easy for me to hide. But I'd completely embarrassed myself in front of my new but old mother in-law. I felt terrible, but I didn't have the time and energy to track her down and apologize like the grown up inside me knew I needed to.. so I hid in the ER where no one I knew would find me.

"I need you to do your doctor shit on me." I looked up from my slouch at the desk and saw a familiar face.. correction. Everyone but Steph would find me.

"Hi, its nice to see you too."

"Hi." She said anxiously "I still need you to do your doctor shit on me.. your stupid brother got me sick."

"Then why not have him do doctor shit on you?"

"Because I'm saving my energy on killing him next time I see him."

"Fine." I sighed as I clicked my pen closed, I stood up "Go to curtain 4 and change into a gown."

"Thank you." She muttered..

I put my chart away, giving her a good five minutes before going to the curtain, I started to pull the curtain back when I heard her starting to hurl into an emesis basin.. I winced my nose up and waited until she was finished before entering the curtain.

"Been doing that a lot today?" I asked as I grabbed her a cup of water.

"All fucking week." She groaned as she laid back "As soon as I have my strength back I'm killing him."

"I haven't seen Jackson much lately but I don't recall him having any stomach bug." I frowned as I palpated her stomach "Tell me where it hurts." I tapped around but got no complaints from her "What are your other symptoms?"

"Just flu shit." She moaned "I've been tired and shit from throwing up all the time, I can't keep anything down other than oatmeal cookies and I hate the damn things.. they're nasty." I froze as the symptoms hit me.. or maybe it was the baby kicking me.. either way.

"Steph?" I smiled softly "Have smells been a little strong for you?"

"Yeah." She frowned "But I have the flu, everything smells nasty."

"What about your boobs, do they hurt?"

"Yeah, but I'll be on the rag soon. Its normal."

"What about peeing, you feel like you have to pee a lot?"

"I've been passing a lot of liquid, what doesn't come up my throat anyway."

I nodded and let out a sigh as I snapped some gloves on "I can tell you what's wrong with you without doing a single test."

"It's the flu, just give me some shit to stop the hurling."

"Its not the flu." I shook my head and smiled. Steph frowned. "And you're right, you should kill Jackson, he's the one who did this to you. I would at least get 18 years worth of child support out of him first though."

"Child..what!" she gasped "No! I can't be!"

"I'm pretty sure you are." I nodded.

"Well check again.. you're wrong."

"Ok." I shrugged "But that entails a vaginal exam." She spread her legs.. well that explains a lot.

"Oh this is so not happening.. my life sucks."

"Not as much as mine does." I said "Today anyway."

"What could you have possibly done that's worse than this?"

"I yelled at my mother in-law. Only I didn't know she was my mother in-law."

"You yelled at aunt Carolyn? But she's so sweet."

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