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"We're going to find out right?" He asked me for the 14th time since we'd gotten out of the vehicle and came up to the OB floor, and the 39th time since I'd opened my eyes this morning. It was hitting a nerve.. no, it was FRAYING my last nerve, hitting it was 20 questions ago.

"I don't know!" I snapped as we took a seat outside the obstetrical radiology department. "I'm not sure I want to find out, I kind of like the idea of it being a surprise. Why is it so important for you to know?"

"I hate the color yellow, with a passion. Do you really want to paint the nursery yellow?"

"I won't be painting anything, its bad for the baby. YOU on the other hand will be painting it.. and I don't mind green, it's a nice color, goes with girl or boy stuff."

"Don't you want to plan?"

"Not a single thing of this pregnancy has been planned and we've done just fine." I muttered. He let out one of those heavy, loud, drawn-out sighs that says 'I don't really want to argue anymore so I won't stop sighing until you give me my way' What a toddler! "Fine." I muttered.

"Fine?!" he gasped like a kid reaching the bottom of a staircase on Christmas morning.

"Fine, we'll reach a compromise." I glared "We're married, marriage is all about compromise..right!"

"I've been compromising a lot here lately, like sleep and food and.."

"And your vagina?" I asked, he froze in sentence "How about your uterus? Or your abdominal wall? Or your ankles? How about any single part on your body Derek? Are you compromising those!" I hissed, he pressed his lips so tight air couldn't sneak past them as he sunk back into his chair.

"What are we compromising?" he sulked.

"If Nudger just so happens to be spread eagle and wanting to show us the goods then ok.. but if not, too bad. We're not gonna go looking for its junk."

"Nudger will show us." Derek grinned "He doesn't have anything embarrassing to hide, not like his daddy."

"And what if Nudger is a girl?" I rose a brow.

"Meredith Grey?" I heard from the doorway. Derek was on his feet before I was, practically pulling me to mine and dragging me down the dark hallway to the ultrasound room. "Just lie back on the table here and lift up your shirt."

I did so, and the jelly stuff was actually warm, it felt good. I wanted to steal a bottle of it and make Derek massage my tummy with it at night. Not sure I could get away with it though, I don't run as fast as I used to with this stupid waddle in my step. Our eyes watched as the screen lit up with a little black and white silhouette of a figure, I felt Derek take my hand and I knew he was in the same magical place I was at the moment as we watched the tech roll her wand over my belly and we saw an actual head and nose and lips and face of our baby..

"Its an actual person now." I whispered.

"A lot more to see than the last time." Derek said with a grin to his voice. I couldn't peel my eyes from the screen for anything in the world. THAT was my little Nudger! "Oh!"

I flipped my eyes to see what made him gasp and I saw something long and sticking straight up, my eyes bulged for a moment.. maybe it did take after its daddy...

"Is that...what is that?" I stuttered.

"It's a PENIS!" Derek grinned and practically bellowed out for the whole hall to hear. I heard the ultrasound tech snicker.

"Um, actually.. that's the umbilical cord. Baby has its legs crossed."

"Yes." I whispered under my breath, Derek shot me a short lived glare.

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