Chapter 3

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"Naruto" normal Speech.

'Naruto' normal Thought.

"Rasengan" magic/jutsu.

"Kurama" Demon/monster/Bijuu normal Speech.

'Kurama' Demon/moster/Bijuu Thought.

Naruto DxD - Purpose Of Living

Chapter 3.

A year passed after Naruto joined Sirzechs's peerage and a lot had changed since then.

Naruto now had the same type of education as Rias when she was at home during the summer vacation but his tutor was non other than Venelana Gremory, Rias's mother herself. She wanted a member of her oldest child's peerage to have proper education and manners alike and she kept muttering something about the future if things turned for the best with Naruto and Rias. Venelana had proven herself that she was a very strict tutor and wouldn't forgive Naruto if he didn't repeat exactly what she was teaching him and wanted nothing but perfection. But thanks to this Naruto finally learned how to act like a member of high-class society, their ways and what he needed to attend a high-class party, Naruto also remembered the every name of the Seventy Two Pillars of the devils, which he managed to do in just one month.

When the summer vacation reached its end Rias had cried a lot because she had thought that she wouldn't be able to see Naruto for a whole year because she had school she would be really busy and won't have time to play with Naruto anymore. But her parents had calmed her by letting Naruto come with them to their home. The next heiress of the Gremory Clan was a very happy girl that day indeed.

In the same year, Naruto managed to learn much more about Rias. He wasn't that surprised when he found out Rias was an Otaku because he had seen her reading manga before when she had time or when Naruto was busy. She had a big collection of manga, anime and Cosplay costumes. She even made him watch anime with her until midnight and would fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. She even had a few manga and anime children her age shouldn't read or watch. But then again, she was a devil, so he guessed this kind of thing wasn't really important to her.

Naruto was walking through the corridors of the castle while carrying a big box in his hands. This box was something that Lord Gremory wanted to be delivered to the post station, so he asked Naruto if he could do it for him. The box was pretty heavy and it made him wonder what was inside of it. Fortunately, thanks to his new found strength, he could carry the box without any problem. Rias was at school at the moment as she had to attend to some meeting that only high-class devils could attend.

Naruto knocked at the door of Lord Gremory's room before opening it.

"Gremory-san!" Naruto called out to the man who was doing some paperwork at his table. The man looked up and smiled at Naruto, "I delivered the package" Said Naruto.

He had become very comfortable around Rias's parents, they had taken care of him like their own son for a whole year. Venelana had tried to make him call her Okaa-sama a few times, but Naruto would always refuse the generous offer, saying that he still didn't have the right to call her Okaa-sama but she only showed a mysterious smile and said that maybe someday he would call her like that.

"Ah, thank you Naruto-kun!" Lord Gremory smiled at the blonde haired boy. Naruto had become a part of his family in less than a month after he came here, now he saw the boy as one of his own. Naruto was truly a child that anyone would wish for… Kind and full of happiness, the servants at the Castle, especially the maids really like him because he would always help them whenever he had the chance. Watching Naruto made the elder Gremory remember when Sirzechs was still a child, "Your job is done Naruto-kun…However I have one more favor to ask you!"

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