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Pre-occupied, I forced myself to walk down the alley of the noisy town. The sounds of cheering voice of every civilian living inside the village filled up my ears and it was comforting. Their voices reminds me that 'we' are doing good. A reminder that we are protecting the village better. 

But, 'how did I know that?'. I asked myself in regards to how I knew about Hatake Kakashi's loyalties. Maybe I'm overthinking this... or maybe not. A ninja's loyalty is something very important since it is a crucial information. Whether you'll become the enemy or ally, the decision falls beyond your loyalty. 

Another oddity. That man and Hatake Kakashi - I can only presume that those two are a partaker of the ordeal I'm experiencing. Since the moment that Uchiha Itachi died and now the upcoming mission with Hatake Kakashi, something activated whatever it is to be activated. I am no fool not to notice whatever occurrence I've undergo these past few months. 

I am tired making myself believe that these was just a byproduct of being an observant. That whatever absurdity that keeps happening to me was normal. That maybe I'm overthinking too much or maybe I noticed too much and now it's disturbing my peace. 

I don't know and a part of me tells me that I shouldn't pry too much.

( - _ - )

It was early in the morning when a messenger hawk knock on my window. It has a scroll that contains a message from Hatake Kakashi to meet the team at exactly 10 AM. I looked at the clock that tells 8:00 AM so I still have time to get lazy - I mean, prepare. 

When I was about to stand up, I held my head after feeling a sharp pain on it. 

Hangover. A damn hangover. Well, since dad came home and mom cooked a lot, dad brought a case of alcohol to keep me around. I didn't expect dad to drink a lot since he knew that mom will surely gag if he did but yesterday's a bit different. They even encourage me to drink more - something unusual. 

"Yo." I greeted dad while my hand still resting on my head. "Aren't you supposed to leave now?" I asked him. Dad's working under Inoichi-san's command in the intelligence Jonin unit. "Not that I don't want you here." I added, not wanting to offend my dad this early. 

"This kid." He mumbled. "It's my home kiddo. It wouldn't hurt to stay around for a little longer." 

I smirked, "you mean lazy around?" I earned a throwing pillow that bonked my head, making me groan. "Dad! My head's hurt like hell!" I hissed.

"Our genes possesses a high alcohol tolerance, Reika." He mumbled with a hint of disappointment. "You, my child must possess it!" 

Oh my God, if I'm an odd Nara then my dad was the oddest one. At early this morning, he's now spouting nonsense. Even a tailed beast has a limit, so do I! And a case of alcohol was my limit. It's understandable. 

"Setting alcohol aside... Reika." I was surprised when dad changes the mood in an instant. Dad was strict since he's a ninja and my father. However, he fulfilled his obligations to me when I was still dependent - something I am grateful for. But whenever I heard him use his grim voice on me, I always surrender. I can't fight the alpha of our family, not now - never. "Your mom was worried about you. She sent me a letter about you. I may have gone a lot but I am still your father. You know that you can talk to us, right?" His eyes melted when he said that. It is as if he said that with hopes that I would understand what he wanted me to understand. 

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