Chapter 19, Void + Static

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Void activates their attack by sending bombs towards us. Me, Vix, Arcane, and Lilith were running away quickly, but the Field was awfully small so we barely had anywhere to go. We all got pushed away from the bomb. I was close to burning myself from the Field. I jumped back to avoid it. "Are you okay?" Vix ran towards me. "Yup.."I nodded.

Void attacked us with more bombs, we kept on being separated and being unable to attack back. "That's enough!" Lilith set a small white barrier around them and activated clear-like crystal shards. The shards go towards Void, the bombs almost blew up Lilith as they got out of their barrier.

? !

Void was not deeply harmed
a scar on their cheek and arm appears only

they were though - bleeding a lot..mostly from their arm

"I will not let you destroy me.." Void got angry, and summoned a sword with their power. "I'll kill you! I'LL KILL YOU MERCURY AND THEN YOUR FRIENDS!!" They laughed. Void charges towards me with the sword, I quickly moved but Void was quick and left a bad scar on my leg. I fell over as I felt the stinging, burning pain. "Haah- AAAAAaaAAAHH!!!!" I stopped moving as I felt the pain get worse. "A painful burning sensation is what you feel. the sword is made with heat so painful.." Void got close to me. Until they got blasted. From Arcane.

"YOU BITCH!!" Void got up immediately with a more angry look and rushed towards Arcane. They once again get blasted. But this time from Lilith. Void still got up again. "Stubborn..are you?" Lilith watched them get up. "I am..I'm only here to kill Mercury to avenge Crown.." Void looked like they were struggling. "I'm not gonna give up.."

I walked towards them with my knife
I limped in pain but managed to reach them with a wide smile

I stabbed their side and pull the knife out
blood gushes everywhere. I continued to stab their side as I look at them in the eyes deeply, I felt Satisfied. I stop.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me
I watched Void scream in agony as they struggled to stop the bleeding

I kept the urge in to laugh.

"YOU BASTARD!! THIS IS UNFAIR!!! YOU FUCKING BITCH I HOPE YOU DIE!!" Void screamed at me with such bullshit. "Shut up." I told them with a glare.


"I told you to shut up. Didn't I?" I lifted the knife and stabbed their head. Blood was all over me.

I slowly pull the knife out
their body falls to the ground
head is bleeding, they must be dead now
the barrier disappears.

"Mercury..?" I hear Lilith's concerned voice right next to me. I could feel that all of them were giving me concerned looks. Especially for Vix. "Sorry, got carried away. I wanted to cause the pain back..I feel like I can do all this by myself.." I wiped the blood off my face with my hand.

"Well-Okay- Let's go now shall we?" Lilith walked off. I nodded and we all followed them

As we walked for a few minutes, Arcane stopped. "Unknown presence." Lilith whispered and turned behind me.

Arcane was pulled back.

Static appeared, and held Arcane in the air.

"Don't move you fucking bastards. Move..I'll drop them to the ground with force..crushing their head..." Static was in distress. "I SAW WHAT YOU DID..YOU!! MERCURY!!!" They pointed at me trembling.

"Guess we'll have to handle with you.." I said calmly, smirking.

Static summoned a bunch of hands coming up towards the ground. It went towards me, I quickly ran away but another hand grabbed me. "MERCURY!!!" Vix called out my name. I felt it squeeze me tightly. "Target acquired..!" Static said happily.

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