chapter twenty-two; sick days

Start from the beginning

"Felix can we hurry? I want to go to sleep!" she said.

"I know." I say, looking at my phone.

When we pulled into her parking lot, I walked her up to her apartment, "Give me your keys." I say, she digs in her purse, nearly throwing her keys at my face.

I unlock the door, her apartment was cozy, homey.

She stumbled in, she couldn't even walk straight, probably because she was dizzy.

She walked to what I was assuming was her room and she dove onto the bed.

I walked over and felt her forehead, it was still burning. "Where do you keep your thermometers?" I ask her.

"Bathroom cabinet." she says, pointing to the closed door in her room.

I walk over to the room, I didn't want to invade her personal space, but I had to.

I eventually found the thermometer. I grabbed it and walked out of the bathroom and back to Marinette.

"Open your mouth, so I can check your temperature." I say, she opens her mouth and I place it under her tongue.

I sit on the edge of her bed, waiting a few seconds til I took it back. Her temperature was 38 Celsius.

Why is there always something happening in this girls life?

I sigh, I got up from the bed's edge, she went under her blanket. I took her phone and put it on the nightstand next to her.

"Call if you need something." I say, walking towards the door.

"FELIX!" she says, nearly shouting.

I swiftly turn around, "Yes?" I ask.

"Can you turn on my TV?" she asks.

"Sure." I say, grabbing the remote off the TV stand, I clicked the red button on the TV and she closed her eyes.

(2 hours later.)

I lay in my bed, about to fall asleep.


I groan, picking up my phone.


I instantly answer. "Hello?"

"Can you come back? I need help." she says, sounding like she was sobbing.

"I'll be there in 6 minutes." I say, quickly hanging up. I jump out of my bed and throw some shoes on.

I run down to the lobby instantly, running out the doors and almost jumping into my car.

When I get there, her door is already unlocked. "Mari?" I say, I walk in, seeing her sitting on her kitchen floor.

"I want soup, but I can't make my mom's soup!" she says, laying against a cabinet.

"Mari, I can order you some soup, go lay down." I say, she sighs and wobbles getting up.

She lays down on her couch, flipping on the TV.

I come over and feel her forehead. Still hot.

"Be right back." I say, walking to her bathroom. I grab a cloth and soak it with cold water.

I walk back in the living room, and place the cold cloth on her forehead.

"I'll just stay here for tonight, just incase you might need me again." I say, sitting on one of her little armchairs.

Marinette passed out a few minutes later, I walk in her room and grab a blanket.

I walk back in and throw it over her, I watched her TV, I usually don't watch TV so I was kind of interested.

romanticist; a felinette storyWhere stories live. Discover now