Chapter 5

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The war had been going on for days now, so many casualties took place. Boruto had witnessed Neji's death right infront of his eyes. He was also with Naruto, Sakura and Gaara while Sakura had her hand stuffed in Naruto's chest trying to keep him alive. Sarada had seen Madara shove a sword through Sasuke's chest. She watched him get thrown to the ground, Karin had ran over and healed him. Naruto was eventually fine as well.

The 2 kids were confused when everyone was trapped in some cocoon things in a giant tree. They stood under the protection of Sasuke's Susanoo.

"What the hell is going on!?" Naruto asked

"Calm down Naruto! It's the infinite Tsukuyomi. It's basically a giant Genjutsu which is why it's appearing as daylight outside even though it's technically night fall." Sasuke explained

"Well, w-what do we do?" Boruto asked

Madara could be heard laughing in the distance, Sasuke lowered his Susanoo once he felt it was safe to do so. Madara started growing things on his body.

"What's happening!?" Sarada asked

"We have to stop him! Naruto don't let him move!" Sasuke said before the two charged at Madara only to be grabbed by long hair.

Sarada and Boruto stood by Sakura and Kakashi while Obito was still unconscious.

Madara's form changed and a third eye grew.

"What is that!? Who the hell!?" Boruto asked

"Kaguya Otsutsuki." Sasuke said

Sarada and Boruto's eyes widened in horror as they thought about the Otsutsuki's they had to deal with in their time. Boruto looked at his hand with the karma mark on it and clenched his fist tightly as his body shook.

All of a sudden they were transported to a volcano area and lava surrounded them.

Kakashi grabbed onto Sakura and used a Kunai with a scroll on it as a rope, he tossed a Kunai into Obito's hand and pinned him to a wall. Sasuke had summoned his hawk and caught Naruto.

Sarada threw a Kunai with a string attached to it into a wall, she held Boruto's hand tightly.

"You guys ok!?" Naruto asked

"Define ok!!" Boruto said as he dangled over the lava.

"Naruto, listen to me. We can't die here no matter what or the world will be in terrible danger. Do you understand?" Sasuke asked

"Yeah, I get it." Naruto replied

Kakashi's scroll was hit with a small flame and started to rip, Boruto started slipping out of Sarada's grip.

"Mom!! Boruto!!" Sarada cried out

"No!!!" Naruto yelled as he used Kurama's chakra and grabbed all of them with giant fox hands.

Kaguya attacked them with needles and hit the hawks chakra points which of course caused them to start falling.

"Damn it!!" Sasuke cursed

"Sasuke!!" Naruto yelled hoping that he'd have some sort of solution.

Sasuke tried to activate his Susanoo only to fail since his arm was hit with a needle. Naruto quickly caught Sasuke and levitated before they hit the lava.

"D-dad!?" Boruto asked

"You can levitate?" Kakashi asked

"I guess so!" Naruto said

Time went on, Naruto and Sasuke tried to fight Kaguya with Naruto's ultimate sexy jutsu which consisted of many naked men. Sakura had passed out and Sarada screamed in horror. Boruto covered his eyes. All of a sudden they were in a frozen land. Sasuke was then pulled into another dimension.

"Sasuke!!" Naruto screamed as he tried to pry open the black portal

"Dad no!!" Sarada cried

"Sasuke..." Sakura said

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