Chapter 7

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Boruto thought for a second This is what he was talking about...the stuff he regretted...Sasuke sensei....I can't believe you used to be like this...

"A revolution!? W-what!?" Boruto asked

"I'll destroy the current five Hokage and take the tailed beast's chakra for myself. Then I'll rebuild this world the way I see fit." Sasuke said

"Sasuke!! Are you insane!?!? I'm not going to let you hurt the tailed beast's after they just became free again!!" Naruto screamed

"I knew you'd be a problem Naruto. You always have to get in my way." Sasuke seethed

Sakura's eyes widened in fear

"S-Sasuke.....if you feel anything in your heart for me....please...don't do this...t-think about Sarada do you really want her to see you this way!? Sasuke I...I love you, I always have and I always will! I need you by my side! Please! I'm begging you!! Don't leave me again!!" Sakura begged as tears poured down her face.

"Enough!! You're annoying as always!" Sasuke yelled before putting Sakura under a Genjutsu.

"Sakura!" Kakashi said

"Mom!!" Sarada said

"What the hell is the matter with you Sasuke!? All Sakura has ever done is care for you! She just wants what's best for you! She's loved you through everything! This is how you treat her!?" Kakashi asked

"I don't need her love, I don't want to love anyone. I'd rather be alone, I don't need these failed bonds any longer." He seethed

"Dad! Stop it!" Sarada said

"You shut up! Or I'll put you under a Genjutsu too!" Sasuke hissed

Sarada gasped and then her eyes narrowed in anger

"!! You're NOT my father!! My father would NEVER talk to me like that!!! You're just some kind of a monster!!" She screamed as tears filled her eyes.

Boruto looked at her

"S-Sarada!?" He asked

Sasuke was a bit shocked by what she said but, he didn't give it a second thought.

"Hmph, Let's settle this Naruto. At a different location." Sasuke said before running off.

"Sasuke!!" Naruto screamed before following him.

Sarada shook with fear, sadness, and rage. she fell to her knees and sobbed.

Boruto bent down and hugged her tightly, he sat there and let her cry on him for as long as she needed to.

Kakashi looked down at Sakura who was still passed out then at the kids. What happened to you Sasuke? Are you better for her? He thought.


The final battle between Naruto and Sasuke dragged on and on, punch after punch, Rasengan after Chidori. Some how they both still had enough chakra to beat the absolute shit out of earth other. Blows were exchanged until they could barely stand anymore. The final blow between them is what caused them to lose their arms. A Chidori mixed with flame control and a Rasengan both fueled by their loved ones. Sasuke's being fueled by Itachi and Naruto's by...well....literally everyone else. The fight ends with the two idiots laying on the ground all beat up. They exchanged words and Sasuke even got a look at Naruto's memories. Making him realize how much of a dumbass he had been.

The morning came, Sakura was finally awake. Sakura, Kakashi, Sarada and Boruto ran to the final valley.

"They're they are!" Sakura said before sliding down the large cliff followed by Sarada and Boruto.

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