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He strikes my face again and I feel blood trailing his knuckles down my cheek.

"I told you to be quiet, Itachi," he whispers and grabs my throat to tilt my head even farther back. My shoulder catches a splinter from the floorboards.

There's no strength in my arms as I wrap them around his to wrestle him off my neck at least. I can't help being loud. Every time he thrusts into me, the pain comes out of my mouth, and others may hear, but what's Kisame worried about? No one cares, I know they don't like me. He pulls out again. I clamp both hands over my mouth to keep it shut and brace for another penetration by his split cock. My eyes start watering and I try to focus them on the ceiling lamp, but it's all a blur.

Kisame pries my hands off. Maybe this game is rigged and he doesn't really want me to be quiet. Whatever I've done, begging, fighting, being difficult, being passive, he's made it a reason to punish me. What is he thinking? No one has ever seen me bruised before; won't the others be asking questions? We'll all be gathered at this hideout for a while, and they don't need to care about me to care about the common goals we can only achieve if we all function – with our partners. Or will supper have been the last time anyone's seen me? Not sure Kisame is thinking much at all, really. This isn't like him; has he been in my pharmaceuticals?

The only thing I'm hearing any more is the pain throbbing in my ears, or is that my heartbeat? It's all that stupid muscle's fault, anyway. I just had another minor heart attack, but instead of Kisame's usual measures to calm me down, I guess he got horny watching me writhe. I threw chum in shark water, and I'm wondering why I got bit. At least the pain in my chest has gone and I can breathe again, so I suppose thanks are in order. I can't feel my legs. Can't feel anything except Kisame inside and all around me, waiting for me to give him another reason. Maybe you should judge a book by its cover after all. He looks like an animal, was treated like one too – of course he'd act like one. Not like he doesn't with others; whatever made me think I was special? Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Praised too much as a kid, I was. I realize more and more just how stupid I was to trust this guy; of course I'm feeling flimsy, he probably switched my meds around before handing them to me, and I swallowed them hook, line, and sinker. But if this wasn't spontaneous, I need to get away before he kills me. Right now, he could. I throw my arms to one side to get a hold on the wooden floor and twist to get on my belly, but Kisame grabs my right hand to yank me on my back again, and presses it against my stomach. Something that doesn't belong to my body is pushing up against my palm.

"Can you feel me moving inside of you, Itachi?" he whispers and grins, his breath hot in my mouth.

I think I'm going to throw up.

"You've been good, so if you manage to be completely still until I've released myself in you, I'll stop hitting you and pull out only once I'm limp. Does that work for you, Itachi?"

My lips move, but I don't hear anything.

Neither does Kisame, and he forces my mouth open between his rough fingers. "Speak up, Itachi."

"Works," I breathe and curl my fingers into my hair to brace for what I hope is the end of this.

Well, of course he lied again. He grabs my throat and punches me in the ribs, and while I cough up blood, he groans like an animal and climaxes. I feel his semen fill me up as he keeps drawing on his stupid skills to produce more and more. It's icy like his eyes, and I curl up under him with my arms around me as the blood flees my head and limbs to keep my core warm.

"Is your temperature dropping, Itachi?"

Please stop saying my name. Please.

"Your body is absorbing some of me to hydrate itself. Meaning I'm becoming an actual part of you, Itachi, rather than just a foreign substance that's going to seep out of you for the coming days."

Please stop talking. "Just let me dissociate in peace, Kisame."

Kisame laughs, pins me down to pull out still hard, and I can't stop myself from groaning with pain. Childbirth can't be worse than this. At least he doesn't strike me this time. As he gets up, I catch a triple, blurry glimpse of his bifurcated cock. Both lengths are coated red. It's bright, so no internal bleeding. I'm not going to die unless that tear gets infected. Joke's on me, I know my immune system. But this is the best I get.

"You can get up now, Itachi."

"Am I getting cab fare, at least?" Am I stupid? Right, I've just had a whole internal dissertation on that question.

And there he is again, above me on all fours. He bends down and kisses me on the lips. His tongue slithers through my mouth, cold and wet and far enough down my throat to make me gag. My stomach clenches and I manage to push his face aside just in time to throw up on myself.

Kisame gets up and laughs. "You're a quick learner, Itachi."

Keep my name out of your mouth, if nothing else.

"If that had gotten on me, I might actually have killed you."

"I won't push you away next time, then," I whisper. I'd rather be dead right now, more so than ever. If Konoha had invested in some mental health services instead of building my clan a fancy settlement and paying me to surveil it, I might be helping my brother with his homework right now. In our house, with our mother making snacks for us. But no, here I am, forever smelling my parent's blood on me, and now also my own barf and a shark hybrid's semen.

"Oh, there's a next time, Itachi? Wonderful."

No. No, absolutely not. "We had a deal."

"What's that?"

My voice just won't obey me today, will it? It's either crying when it shouldn't, or it catches in my throat. "We had a deal, Kisame," I cark.

"Right," he says as he pulls me onto his bed to slide a pair of pants on my trembling legs. And off again. "You won't be needing these any more tonight, so I'm throwing them in the laundry. Anything else?"

"Go get cancer, Kisame."

"Sharks are immune to cancer, didn't you know, Itachi," Kisame quips, disappears to the bathroom, and returns with a wet cloth. "Had a bit of an accident here, did you?"

"Just admit you made me throw up on purpose. Not like I'm gonna run to my dad and press charges."

"Indeed, you have no dad to run to. At least you haven't eaten today." He wipes through the hair on the sides of my face and turns my head left and right to make sure he didn't miss a spot, then grabs his grey jumper from the chair by the bed and pops it on me, gently sliding my arms through each sleeve, then pulling the hem down to my knees. This thing is huge, but I used to like disappearing in it. The jumper droops off my right shoulder and he smiles. As he lowers me into the sheets and places my feet on the bed, I wonder if I imagined everything. Now that he's out of me, I'm not in a lot of pain any more. He's back to fussing over me as he always does. And I let him, as I always do.

"If you'll excuse me now, Itachi, I promised Kakuzu to meet him for pool down in the man cave. Good night." He kisses the top of my head.

"We had a deal," I scream after him, but my words bounce off a closed door.

Glad my body is warming up, but baseline would have been just fine. There's the fever. My face is taut and hot as if I'd spent the day running missions, when all I've done was spend a half hour getting fucked on the floor. The mattress is tugging at me, begging to swallow me up, and I breathe out and feed myself to it.

"What deal?"

Huh? Who..? Doesn't matter as I fall asleep, finally.

", bro?"

Am I dreaming? I think I was asked this just moments ago. And I doze off again.

"Bro! What deal, yo?"

I fall in and out of consciousness to various parts of the same question as its tone grows more impatient. I think I know this person, or maybe I'm dreaming. I wake up again, this time because my legs are cold and wet. At the edge of my mind, I remember Kisame saying this would happen. Should probably take this to the bathroom, but I forgot how to move. Cramps start tearing me apart; the fluids are leaking out, the rest gets thick and solid and stays inside until it finally breaks down. I know, because I've had this stuff in my mouth and my stomach before. At least I'm going to sleep through much of it, given what I think Kisame sneaked into my pills. Must be the Intermezzo, that's why I wasn't in my own head to fight him off, and it'll also be how he'll gaslight me into thinking I hallucinated all of this. Or did I? Or has this happened before? Shit. If I take some more, I might even sleep off the bruises so we can all pretend this didn't happen and I get to retain an ounce of masculinity in front of the others before they get any ideas, too. I know some of them have been hoping for an opening ever since I joined. Ah, there's another wave of slumber. Drown me, please.

My face, a rock, and a hard placeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt