62 Beast Priestess

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Tilly almost smiled at that.

[You're wrong about that, Your Majesty.]

The nobles and the commoners were obviously relieved by the emperor's assurance.

"It was just unfortunate that the replica woke up aggravated after being locked up in the mystery box for hundreds of years," the emperor continued. "It attacked the Castle Vania without a specific target. Princess Nia was hurt because she was trying to protect everyone in the castle. And sadly, while protecting the princess, Lahara lost her life."

A collective gasp was heard among the crowd.

Ah, right. Kiho told her about Lahara's death in advance. So unlike her, the others were surprised to hear the "bad news."

"But Lahara's noble sacrifice won't be put in vain," His Majesty said. "Thankfully, Her Royal Highness is alive and recuperating well. But don't fret, my dear people. The princess will definitely wake up before our wedding date that has already been decided by the High Priest. It will happen eleven months from now and you can look forward to it."

The crowd was definitely uplifted by the "good news."

They cheered and congratulated the emperor for his upcoming wedding.

The nobles elegantly clapped for His Majesty while the commoners shouted, whistled, and laughed happily as celebration.

Some elitist nobles looked evidently uncomfortable by the "noise."

[So snotty.]

"Thank you, everyone," Emperor Aku said and when he raised his hand, the crowd fell silent instantly. "I have another announcement. As you already know, the replica of the Red Phoenix was caught by Captain Kiho of the Black Serpent Knights."

Tilly was surprised when the emperor said that.

[It wasn't in the agenda, was it?]

When she looked at Kiho, despite his stoic face, she could see the confusion in his eyes. She had spent enough time with him to know what his facial expression meant.

[Emperor Aku didn't tell Kiho as well.]

"That means Captain Kiho is the victor of the Hunt," the emperor continued. The crowd applauded once again. "Usually, we would have a huge feast to celebrate the end of the Hunt. But because of Princess Nia's current state, I decided to keep it simple." His Majesty turned to Kiho. "I hope you understand, Captain Kiho."

Kiho just bowed respectfully to the emperor.

"Now, Captain Kiho," Emperor Aku continued. "It's time to dedicate your victory to the lady that would become this year's Beast Priestess."

Tilly's heart thumped loudly against her chest when she made eye contact with Kiho.

Not to anyone's surprise– well, they were married so she assumed that everyone already knew that Kiho would choose her– the captain of the Black Serpent Knights walked towards her.

Then, Kiho got down on one knee and offered his hand to her.

She stood up and held onto his hand. Then, he pressed his forehead against the back of her hand before he kissed her knuckles.

[And that's how a knight offers his victory to the lady of his heart.]

The crowd once again cheered and showered them with praises. Well, the commoners did. The nobles just respectfully clapped their hands as usual.

She thought the ceremony was over when Kiho stood.

Her husband was about to assist her back to her seat when the emperor spoke again.

"And for my last announcement," Emperor Aku said. Then, he respectfully pointed at their direction using his hand. "I would like everyone to congratulate Captain Kiho and Lady Prescott. They have successfully conceived the child of the prophecy and fulfilled their noble duty to our Great Moonchester Empire."

The applause and the cheers this time were louder.

Kiho looked uncomfortable by the attention.

Tilly smiled and thanked the crowd but deep inside, she was seething.

[Why did the emperor announce my pregnancy without telling us first?!]


AFTER the public ceremony, Tilly was summoned by Emperor Kiho at his palace. To be precise, they were now having tea in the beautiful rose garden. She was nervous to be alone with the emperor, especially since Kiho wasn't around.

When they got at the palace, the emperor asked Kiho to fetch Blake so they could talk about the vice captain's new temporary position.

[His Majesty could have asked other people to summon Blake. This only means that he wants to talk to me alone.]

Well, not really "alone."

As expected, they were surrounded by servants and royal knights. Captain Sherwood and Sir Gregory were there as well. They were far enough not to eavesdrop, but also close enough to reach the emperor if something or someone was to attack His Majesty.

[I wish Kiho would return as soon as possible.]

"Lady Prescott, I apologize for announcing your pregnancy without your consent," Emperor Aku said, then he gently and elegantly put the tea cup down on the round table between them. The table had also a three-layer stand filled with different pastries and savory snacks. "I needed to shower the public with good news so they wouldn't focus on Nia's state. It slipped my mind to ask for your permission since I was busy these days."

"You don't have to apologize, Your Majesty," Tilly said respectfully. Well, she was angry but the emperor already apologized to her. It wouldn't do her good if she acted stubborn about it. "It's the public's right to know about my pregnancy because my child is the child in the prophecy."

"I'm glad you understand," he said with a smile. But his eyes were unusually dark and that made her a bit nervous. "Lady Prescott, why are you dolled up like you're in a funeral?" Okay, now she was certain that the emperor was unhappy with her choice of clothes and makeup. "You're not celebrating Nia's terrible state, are you?"

She was scared because even though the emperor was smiling, the coldness in his eyes and voice were saying otherwise.

But amazingly, she also felt her blood boil in excitement. She didn't know why but seeing the emperor's anger directed at her thrilled her. Like she was waiting for a chance to fight back. Her gut feeling was urging her to bare her fangs at His Majesty.

She held back though.

At her current state, the emperor would just easily kill her.

"It's the opposite, Your Majesty," she said respectfully when she regained her composure. "I wore my precious black pearls today as a symbol that my heart is with Her Royal Highness. These black pearls aren't a sign of mourning. Rather, I'm using them as a reminder that I can't be too happy until my precious friend wakes up. I apologize for calling the princess casually. But I hope Your Majesty understands that Her Royal Highness is close to my heart as a person and not by her royal title."

Gosh, she almost puked at the lies she spitted. She couldn't wait home to wash her mouth thoroughly.

At least, the emperor looked convinced.

"I'm glad that Nia has a friend like you, Lady Prescott," the emperor said. Then, he sipped his tea before he continued. "Anyway, I summoned you here because I have a question for you."

"You can ask me anything, Your Majesty."

Aku smiled in an overly sweet manner before he spoke again. "Lady Prescott, where were you when the replica of the Red Phoenix attacked Nia?"

Tilly suddenly felt her heart in her throat.

[Oh, god.]


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