Grief; a short story

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So this is a short story about how my character from my original book, Ayla, deals with the grief from her girlfriend Calistas death. There's some things you MAY not understand that'll be introduced in my book, so ignore those parts. I suggest you listen to the video while reading.


The explosion rung in Ayla's ears, temporarily deafening her. She couldn't, wouldn't, comprehend what just happened.

'No' Ayla thought, fear enveloping her mind. 'No, no, no. No, she's gotta be there, she's gotta be fine.'

"What are you all standing around for?" She said, her voice shaking. "Scar, help me make a portal, we gotta go get her."

No one moved.

Melody had silent tears streaming down their face, trying to hide them. They were hugging Scarlett, who was crying very loudly. Shawna face had a mix of emotions, grief, anger, sympathy, devastation.

"Ayla," Shawna said softly.

Ayla looked up at her. Shawna's eyes were sad, brimming with tears with the realization that Calista wasn't coming back.

Shawna put a hand on Ayla's shoulder. "I felt it. She's gone. I'm sorry but she's gone."

Ayla shook her head, shaking violently as tears threatened to leave her eyes.

"No, stop lying. Can't we go back in time and get her? O-or undo it? There's gotta be some way!"

Shawna felt sorry for her friend. She had just lost the love of her life.

But Shawna had just lost her best friend.

"Ayla, I'm sorry." Shawna said, voice barely at a whisper. "I wish I was lying I really, really do."

And she realized Shawna was telling the truth. And that might have been what broke her.

Ayla let out a strangled sob and almost fell. The sobs she were trying to bite back made their way to the surface and she was crying so hard, and she could barely breath.

"T-there's gotta be anoth- another way there has, has to be." Ayla stammered, almost not being able to get the words out. "Sh-shawna please."

Her knees finally gave in, and she fell, hugging herself and muttering "It's not true. Your lying" over and over again.

It hurt Shawna to see her friend like this. Her kind, patient, loving friend.

Melody and Scarlett were silent, still silently crying.

"We have to get back." Melody whispered, voice hallow, which was very rare for them. Their voice was always so loud and had such spirit.

Shawna nodded and knelt next to Ayla, rubbing her back and trying to keep back her tears in order to help her friend.

Melody called Julio, one of the healers, and told him what happened.

"He'll be here in twenty minutes, there's a legacy camp a few miles away that he was stationed at. We'll- we'll fly back tomorrow." Their voice cracked at the last statement. The thought of going back... where they made so many memories, without Calista, felt shattering.

Scarlett hadn't said anything. She was curled up in a ball and staring at her feet, not making a sound.

Shawna could still feel it. The aching pain when Calista made her last breath that confirmed she was gone, it was still there. It felt like she couldn't breathe.

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