What my crush and me have and common and what we dont

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Pls don't judge I'm bored and want to share this

What we have in common

We both are absolutely obsessed with Star Wars
We both love marvel
We both agree that Tony is Peters dad
We both like the color green
We both like the outdoors
We both like basketball
We both like ghibli studio films
We both like cats
We both like helping people
We both dislike this girl named jerrylin in our class
We both have annoying younger sisters

What we don't
I would rather read and write whereas he would rather play video games
He likes horror whereas I can't stand it
I am a very sensitive person whereas he isn't as much
I prefer wholesome family centered things whereas he like murder mystery
I am a redhead whereas he is a brunette
I am very cautious whereas he likes taking risks

Okay so yeah-

Also I think one of my friends may have found my account so NaOmI dO nOt jUdGe tHiS pLsAsE I bEg oF yOu

My little book of randomnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang