Final goodbye

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10 years from the bonus chapter

Tapping my foot on the floor, I stared at the wall of the office I had worked in for more than 25 years.

I still hadn't come to terms that we were moving house. Me, Rosie and our two beautiful daughters were leaving.

Rosie had been offered a position in York to work as a counsellor in a top hospital. I was in awe of my wife. She had been through hell and since finding the light out the other end, she had worked endlessly and through years of stress, my wife, my beautiful wife had now earned the title Dr Rosie Gray. I couldn't be more proud of her.

But as much as I wanted everything for Rosie, I couldn't help but feel sad at the thought of leaving the house that had always been home. It housed so many memories. Memories I couldn't afford to lose.

Rosie and I had lost many nights of sleep trying to find ways around it. We also had many fights about it and days of silent treatment. Even though Rosie always said she understood, I don't think she truly did. It had been years since Lucy died, but living here felt like a part of her was still alive.

This was her home. Our home. Our sanctuary after losing everything. And I just couldn't imagine living somewhere other than here. 

But after watching my baby girls flourish and of course watching my wife progress in her career, I knew now was not the time to be selfish.

Besides, Lucy hated nothing more than selfish people.

So here we are, a whole year later in a completely empty house.

The vans were already on the move, the cars were packed and now everyone was waiting for me.

But my feet weren't letting me move.

Even though all the furniture had been removed, it still felt warm like it always had.

The memories of Lucy running in giving me breakfasts, or asking me to brush her hair and the endless pranks she'd pull. And damn, she'd pull them off each time. Her favourite prank still makes me laugh all these years later.

A very very important meeting with some of the top businessmen in England, and Lucy the cheeky monkey hid a fart machine under my desk.

A fart machine which had no off button, except for a remote control in which Lucy had.

Even though I lost the deal, I couldn't get mad at her. 

"You'd be pleased to know Lucy, my girls have carried on that family trend" I chuckled to myself.

"Dad, mum says we need to go" Grace yelled out from the front door. 

"Alright baby, I'll be there in a minute" I shouted back just needing a couple more minutes.

Letting out a deep sigh, I looked out the window that overlooked the back garden and I couldn't help but smile.

Flashback - Lucy is 9


"Lucy! Did you eat my slice of pizza? I had been saving that and, oh"-

Pushing the door open to my office, my heart stopped as I realised where Lucy had been all along. 

She was sitting at the window ledge staring out at the most breathtaking sunset.

But my eyes were drawn to the tears she was shedding.

"Hey, why an earth are you crying?" I tried to grab her attention as I fell to my knees before her.

"Lulu, please, talk to me".

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