Execution in All But Name

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Izumi Midoriya barely held back her tears, shocked as she asked a simple question. Today was already terrible... but this was way too far. The line had been drawn, crossed, and utterly broken, and she needed to know... "Why?"

Katsuki Bakugo, standing tall over her, smirked, without any sign of remorse. He, in return, asked a simple rhetorical question which made her shiver from fear. His grin wasn't heroic. Far from it, this was something she only saw monsters... not villains, monsters, having such a smile. "Why what, shitty Deku?"

The Greenette asked sincerely, not believing the advice she was just given. Calling it advice would be highly charitable at this point. "D-Do you really want... want me to die?"

Katsuki laughed, barking out the truth, how black his soul really was, showing what pride and ego can twist a person into. "You'd be doing the world a service!"

His cohorts laughed as he left, following him doggedly as they did. None of them felt any remorse for telling the quirkless greenette to jump off the roof.

She couldn't believe it. Falling to her knees, she wept to the world, cursing her own lonely existence. But she couldn't stay there long. She'd be kicked out, roughly, by the school janitors soon enough if she didn't move. Collecting herself, she walked downstairs, and out to the koi pond in the courtyard of Aldera Junior High. Retrieving her journal, she noted that it was battered, bruised, and burnt. Sighing, she left, heading home. Crossing through a tunnel, there was a gurgle from a sewer grate behind her. The greenette turned to see sludge... no, a monster made of sludge rise from the grate. "A medium sized pretty meat suit! Perfect!"

However, it was so caught up in the moment it failed to notice a certain man rise through the grate after it. "HAVE NO FEAR, FOR I AM HERE!" Allmight had arrived!

His punch splattered the sludge across the walls of the tunnel, painting it green. Izumi could only watch in fascination and fear as he collected the villain in a bottle.

When the blond finally acknowledged her presence, he asked. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"
Still in disbelief for what her life has suddenly become, all the small greenette could do was stammer, "Y-Yes..."

He paused, hearing desperation lacing her voice, and turned to look back at the girl. "WHAT IS IT?"

"Can... can a quirkless girl... like me... ever be a hero?"
Almight thought, his characteristic smile gone. He seemed to be contemplating something... someone... in a quieter tone, and thoughtful tenor, the number 1 hero mused, raising her hope, once again.
"Anyone can be a hero. Everyone has the potential. But without a quirk? It would be far too dangerous. I can't in good conscience advise it. Especially without training ahead of time. You can be a hero, but it will take a lot of effort on your part."

She didn't focus on the effort portion, as that wasn't as crucial as getting the chance in the first place. "Really?"
"Of course." He thought for a moment, then turned to leave, hiding the fact he was bleeding. Still gentle with his voice, he wished her luck. "I hope you get home safely. I can't be there all the time... as I have to turn in this villain."

Tears ran down her face, this time of happiness, "Thank you... for being honest with me. You're my hero."

Allmight glanced back, smiling. This was his favorite part of the job, where the people he saved appreciated his efforts, and the day was bright. Noting that he had to get the villain to the police, he tensed up, and leapt out of sight. She sighed, happy that her hero believed in the fact she could be one... but he was right. I never trained or anything... I can't be a hero without it...

Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice she didn't want to hear today. Her eyes instinctively widened with fear, turning towards Katsuki as he spoke, his voice barely containing his fury. "You got to talk with fucking Allmight?! And he fed you lies? You'll need to get punished for having any hope to be a fucking hero, quirkless bitch."

Without any further motivation, Izumi's flight response kicked as she began to run, and the blond chased her. She went up stairs, and he was close behind. Running, her life depended on it, but it was clear that Katsuki with the superior training was catching up. When she made it to the rooftop, she closed the door and ran towards the opposite end of the building before realizing that she had nowhere to go.


Izumi tried to think of a solution to her problem. When he caught up to her, she knew this would be worse than anything else he had done before.


Panicking, she looked for any escape.


The door was knocked off its hinges, and she turned, seeing him walk slowly towards her. She could only stand as he let off some small explosions. It intimidated her further, making Izumi become even more afraid. Katsuki smiled, pleased as he received the effect he was going for.

She started to shake as he was less than five meters away. Years of abuse and degradation showing its toll. Justifying what the hero said, the greenette fumbled over her words. "All-Allmight said I could... be a hero... I... I just have to... to work... a little..."

However, the ashen blond cut her off, snarling right in her face, "That was a lie. What have I fucking told you about lies?" He grabbed Izumi by the throat, lifting her off the ground.

"Not..." It was hard for her to speak, as he constricted her throat. "To... say... lies..."
His voice was malicious as he noted, "At least you can fucking remember that."

He looked over her fearful expression with his own boredom. "Tsk. Punishing isn't fun anymore... I guess useless dekus when they outlive their fucking usefulness... they only have thing left for them." He grinned sadistically. She struggled frantically but didn't have the strength to fight back. One of her stray kicks did manage to hit close to a... delicate area, forcing him to drop her.

She realized her mistake as soon as she heard the deep seated growl from her tormentor, "You... bitch..."
He readied an explosion towards her, and she had nowhere to run. Frantic, Izumi tried to stop him, "No, please Kacchan!"
That plea only seemed to anger him further, and he launched an explosion, which blasted her off her feet and over the edge.

Falling gives a sense of weightlessness. It wasn't a feeling Izumi ever wanted to be familiar with. Not like this. Time slowed down as she could only watch the world slowly rise above her. A concrete tomb, with only her fear to guide and comfort her within what Izumi knew would be her final moments.

And then she felt pain in her neck and her view shifted and tumbled in the air, landing softly on the grass in a fenced park. A woman was walking her dog when it sniffed at her face. All she could do was ask soundlessly for "Help?" before her brain lacked the oxygen to function. The last thing she heard was the woman scream and call 911 as her vision shut down, finally accepting death.

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