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To be a second born was a fate many find to be a curse; not inheriting the wealth, the title or the power. But those who believe it to be a blessing see the freedom and lack of responsibility. And one of the most notorious second borns who sees this as a delight is Mister Benedict Bridgeton.

Although that is all he will be, a Mister, he is still this seasons biggest catch. It is a well known fact that he possess respectable fourtune, and it does not require perfect sight to know that he possess the Bridgertons' good looks too.

Will a fortunate young lady find herself the wife of this second born after this season is over? This Author isn't going to attempt to speculate.

Lady Whistledown's Society Papers, 31th May 1815


"She's back!" Esther exclaimed as she hurried into the drawing room, a piece of parchment in her hand; which she was waving about. "Who is?" Anne questioned. "Lady Whistledown. She's writing again."

"Lord knows why you are so obsessed with that gossip column." Anne muttered under her breath whilst shaking her head. Esther collapsed into the seat beside her sister on the sofa.

Anne technically was not the girls' biological mother but she always treated them like she was. She had to take up the role as a mother figure after they lost their mother at such a young age.

Anne had black curly locks which were usually tied back in a bun to keep it out of her face. Her skin was dark and her eyes were a warm amber shade. Her nose was wide and lips were full. Furthermore, she was with child. Hopefully a boy to inherit the Earl's title. And although Anne and the Hackley daughter's did not look similar, they still looked to her as their mother.

"What makes you think she is a lady? She could very well be a man." Marie suggested. Esther scoffed at her younger sister. "There is no way she is man. Men need to be praised for everything they do to boost their ego. They could never keep it a secret." She told her. "Plus men do not acquire the intelligence needed to pull off such a stunt."

Marie huffed and slumped into the cushioned seat. The younger Hackley girl had inherited her father's emerald green eyes (which seemed to flutter ever so delicately) and their mother's auburn hair. She was only young, just turned 17, and Esther wished for her to wait until she was 18 until she joined the season so she was more mature but the race for an heir was desperate.

With no sons, the title would pass to a cousin. Although Anne could be with a male heir, the Earl didn't want to risk anything.

Esther began to scan the parchment but suddenly Marie snatched it off of her and began to pace around the drawing room to avoid her sister. "Hey! I was reading that!" She exclaimed as she jumped up.

"I can read it for you." Marie smiled but Esther only scowled. "I can read perfectly fine." She hissed loudly through gritted teeth. "Marie, just give her the paper." Anne told her as she sighed.

"But mother-" She cut the younger Hackley daughter off. "Marie." The young girl let out a defeated sigh and handed the column back. "I thought you both agreed to be on your best behaviour during your father's temporary absence."

Anne then picked up a small bell and rang it. "Sorry mother." Marie replied. "Sorry Anne." The two girls then sat back down as the maid came in with a fresh teapot.

"That reminds me," Anne paused to thank the maid before continuing. "Your cousin is going to be staying with us this season." The older women continued. "Cousin Francis?" Marie questioned.

"I haven't seen him in years." Esther stated which made the younger girl hum in agreement. "He will act as your chaperon due to my current condition." They all looked down at her pregnant stomach. "Hopefully, he will find himself a wife as well."

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