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"Promise me you'll stay here and won't leave the house." Sooyoung said and I nodded my head.

The afternoon came and Sooyoung needs to leave to pick up the kids. She wanted me to come but I told her that I'll stay here instead and it is safer if I'll just stay here.

"I promise I'll be here when you get home, okay? Now go, Hyeju and Hyunjin are probably waiting for you." I said and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Fine, I'll go ahead, don't open the door when someone comes, okay?" She said and I nodded my head.

She left and I look around the house. Sooyoung's house is simple yet elegant looking. With the peach-colored walls and the black and white furniture. Her house is similar to my dream house.

While waiting, I fixed some of the messes in the living room and go towards the guest room so it is safe that the kids won't see me when they got home.

While eating our lunch earlier, Sooyoung just kept on filling me with stories about Hyunjin and Hyeju, and also our friends. Hearing the stories from Sooyoung makes me want to see my friends too but I'm not yet ready.

I remembered that I saw them once before, at the beach. That was the first time I was able to go out of the hell house, he took me to the beach and I saw everyone there. I badly want to give them hugs that time but I hold myself so no one would be in danger.

I gasp when the door suddenly opened showing Sooyoung.

"Sorry, I just panicked a little when I didn't see you downstairs." She said.

" I promised you I won't leave." I said and she nodded her head.

"Yeah, you kept your promise." She said and smiled.

"Mama! Hurry up! We want to open the presents already!" I heard Hyunjin shout.

"Yeah! Wait for a while, the presents won't go anywhere, okay? Just wait for me and don't ever attempt opening one right now. Put those gifts down you two, I know you're trying to open one!" Sooyoung shouted peeking a little downstairs.

I wish I can watch my little angels open the gifts.

"Here, you can watch Hyunjin and Hyeju open the gifts. It's on a video call, don't worry, the camera is off and the two won't see you." Sooyoung said giving me the iPad.

I looked at her and she smiled again.

"Come on, you don't want to miss seeing the two happy opening gifts." Sooyoung said and I gladly got the iPad from her hand.

"Thank you Soo."

"It's nothing. I'll go downstairs already before they get grumpy." Sooyoung said and wave a little goodbye before closing the door.

I watch from the iPad and giggled when I saw Hyunjin making funny faces toward Hyeju.

"Okay! Here we go, wait let me put the camera on." I heard Sooyoung say behind the camera.

"Again? Mama why?" Hyunjin complains.

"Jinnie for memories and we are going to send this to your nana and pops." Sooyoung said.

"Why are you setting a new one mama? There's a camera already, this one." Hyeju said pointing towards where the camera is.

"For a different angle wolfie."

Soon, the two started to open up gifts and I am just smiling the whole time. They look so cute especially when they get excited with the gifts they get.

"Okay, open now your last gift." I heard Sooyoung say and passed them s very familiar gift bag.

My eyes grew wide upon seeing the bag. There's no way this is real.

He was here during the twin's birthday? How? Why was he here during that time?

No, no, this can't be. I don't want any of my loved ones to get hurt. I'm sure he's planning something.

I was out of my thoughts when I heard the twin shout.

"Puppy, puppy, puppy!" Hyeju shouted while she is jumping and pointing towards somewhere the camera can't see.

"Cat! Aeong!" Hyunjin shouted and covered her mouth with her little hands.

Sooyoung probably bought them pets.

"Are they our mama?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yeah, it's the dog and cat you girls kept on playing with a month ago when we were getting a bunny for Heejin." Sooyoung said.

I smiled when I saw the most important people in my life hugging each other and giving each other little kisses.

I wish I can be part of that too.

"You go play with your toys and pets, I'll just go upstairs, okay?" The two nodded their heads.

I watch them as they play with their pets and averted my gaze to Sooyoung when she opened the door.

"Hey, you watched them open the gifts?" Sooyoung asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, thank you, Soo. I felt happy seeing them excited with the gifts they got." I said.

"Yeah, but you know what would be the greatest gift for them?" She asked and I shakes my head.

"Wooming, it's you."

"Me?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Hyeju has been longing for you, she wanted to see you during your birthday and their birthday. She would cry in the middle of the night looking for you, telling me she misses you so much. Hyeju would randomly share stories about what you two love to do and all. While Hyunjin, I haven't told her that she's ours too, but she has been wanting to meet you since she saw your photo back then. She has been randomly asking me stories about you even before she met Hyeju. I'm sure they'll be the happiest to meet you." She said smiling at me.

"I'll be the happiest too when I can finally hug them again." I said.

Just imagining my kids hugging me makes me feel happy, what more if I can already hug them? I'll probably lose my mind because of the too much happiness I am feeling.

"Hey, you're suddenly smiling." Sooyoung said and we both giggled.

"You're imagining something with the kids, aren't you?" She asked and I nodded my head.

We both flinched when we heard something dropped. Our attention was then diverted toward the iPad.

"Oh sh*t. They probably heard us, I forgot to end the call earlier and they knew how video call works." Sooyoung mumbles.

The door suddenly burst open making my heartbeat goes fast.

"Mommy! Mommy, you're here!"


Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting, I was busy with school work.

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