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"Dumb Sooyoung! Dumb Sooyoung! Dumb Sooyoung!"

Sooyoung kept on repeating 'Dumb Sooyoung' as soon as she rides her car.

She has been searching inside the subdivision for nearly thirty minutes already, and yet she hasn't seen Hyeju anywhere.

According to herself, she messed up, big time.

Sooyoung started to drive out of the subdivision even though it is somehow impossible for Hyeju to go out of the subdivision easily without any guardian with her.

"Think Sooyoung, think! Heck, I don't know anything about her! Just her name! You dumb Sooyoung!" She shouted inside her car.

It's dark already, it's nearly nine in the evening, not many people are out and strolling by the street.

"Sh*t!" Sooyoung cursed when heavy rain started to pour.

Sooyoung's getting worried, of course, she is, her daughter is out there probably shivering from cold and hunger, or maybe Hyeju is in trouble.

"You should have listened to her last night, Sooyoung."

Sooyoung can't help but tear up. Tearing up because Hyeju might be in danger. Tearing up because she's panicking. Tearing up because she doesn't know anything about her daughter. Tearing up just because of everything that is happening.

"Where can I else find her?" Sooyoung asked herself.

She stopped by a park near the subdivision hoping that she will see Hyeju there. She got down her car, not minding the heavy rain.

She looked around and still, nothing.

"Hyeju where are you?"

Sooyoung sat down on a bench and just broke down. She thinks for a while of where could Hyeju be, but her mind is just blank.

She doesn't have any idea about her daughter except knowing that her daughter might like wolves and that her daughter has a triangle-shaped lip.

Sooyoung stood up and reminded herself that it is not time for her to break down, she need to go and find her daughter that she kicked out last night.

Walking back to her car, she noticed a small figure under the table when a car with its headlight on passed by.

She immediately goes there to check if it is Hyeju.

"Oh my god! Hyeju!" She shouted seeing Hyeju sitting under the table and hugging herself because of coldness.

Hyeju slowly looks up and moves backward upon seeing Sooyoung. Sooyoung felt more guilty upon seeing her daughter goes backward because Hyeju is scared of her for what she did last night.

"Hey, Hyeju, come here, please? I'm sorry, please don't be scared." Sooyoung calmly said to not scare Hyeju.

"No, I-I don't want to. Yo-you're just going to shout me."

Sooyoung's guiltiness added more and more.

"I'm sorry, please? I promise I won't shout at you ever again. Come here now please?" Sooyoung said but Hyeju didn't move an inch.

"Hyeju-yah, please? Come on, you're freezing already, I don't want you to get sick. Come here now, please?" Sooyoung begged but still, Hyeju didn't move.

Sooyoung took a deep breath.

"Hyeju-yah, please? I'm sorry for shouting at you last night, I'm sorry for making you leave and sorry if... if mama didn't believe, hmm? Please? Forgive mama? Hyeju, please?"

Hyeju automatically looked at Sooyoung in the eyes. Sooyoung reached out her hand and Hyeju looked at it.

"Let's go Hyeju? Let's go home?" Sooyoung said.


A home is different from a house. Home is when you can feel the love of your family while living under one roof. While house, it's just people living under one roof without feeling any love and care. Hyeju never felt home from being with her mommy nevertheless of being loved by her mommy.

Hyeju was thinking if she really would feel at home with her second mom. She's scared that she might get the same treatment that her first home feels like. She's scared that she won't feel loved by Sooyoung. She's scared to be with anyone after what she feels being a burden to her first home and after Sooyoung shouted and did not believe her.

"Hyeju, I'm sorry, please? Let's go home."

Hyeju was scared but took the risk to trust her mama after what happened last night.

'Another chance won't hurt.' Hyeju told herself.

After Hyeju holds Sooyoung's hand, Sooyoung immediately grabs Hyeju and gave her a big hug.

A hug that a mother gives when they miss their child after not seeing each other even just for hours.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Hyeju." Sooyoung whispered.

Sooyoung then releases from the hug. She removes her jacket and wears it to Hyeju to reduce the child's coldness.

"Are you hurt? Did you eat? Did you sleep last night? Did someone harm you? Oh god! I'm really sorry for making you leave last night Hyeju, I-I do-."

Sooyoung stops rambling when she felt two small hands being put on both sides of her cheeks.

"It's okay, I'm okay. I ate a corndog last night that a nice lady gave me. I wasn't able to sleep last night because it was cold an-and wolfie isn't with me." Hyeju softly said and smiled at Sooyoung.

"I'm really sorry Hyeju, will you forgive me? I promise that I won't ever do that ever again." Sooyoung said.

Hyeju wasn't feeling better because of the cold and hunger. Before she could answer her mama, she passed out.

Sooyoung panics.

Sooyoung kept on saying 'oh my god' until she reached her car while carrying the passed out Hyeju.

She is worried, her daughter just passed out and is blaming herself for it.

Sooyoung started her car and drives towards the hospital where Sunmi works. While driving, she took glances at Hyeju at the back. She then also called her unnie.

Su: Hello? Is there a problem? I'll go there now.
So: Wait no! Stay there unnie, I'm on my way, I'm with Hyeju.
Su: Hyeju?
So: Yes, Hyeju, my child.
Su: WHA-.
So: I'll explain later, can you please wait in the lobby, please? She passed out, I don't know what to do.
Su: Of course! I'm on my way to the lobby, I'll see you there, okay? Bye.

Sunmi was the one who dropped the call. Sooyoung took another glance at her daughter.

Sooyoung was just fed by guiltiness, she's full of being guilty.

Reaching the hospital, she immediately parked her car and get Hyeju out. She walk fast towards the lobby and saw her unnie waiting in the lobby.


"Let's go, I'll check up on her." Sunmi said and Sooyoung just followed her to where her unnie is taking her.

Sooyoung worriedly waited when Sunmi is already checking her daughter.

"Yah! Did she stand in the rain for too long?"

"I saw at the park and she was under the table, she was already wet and she was freezing due to cold." Sooyoung answered.

"She has a high fever, she needs to stay here overnight." Sunmi said and Sooyoung nodded her head.

A nurse came in the room holding a child's hospital gown.

Sunmi take the gown from the nurse and said thank you.

Sunmi then slowly remove Hyeju's wet clothes to change into the gown. Upon removing Hyeju's shirt, the sisters are shocked by what they saw.

Hyeju's arms and upper body are full of bruises and scars.

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