Chapter 45 - The Visitor

Start from the beginning

"Anyway, at what event are you going to have the lady wear this?" he inquired.

"The second prince of this empire will be turning ten this year," I replied.

"Then that makes you have a reason to why not to make it glow too much," he chuckled.

"It's someone's special day, so I think drawing less attention to the lady and more attention to the birthday prince would be nice," he suggested, and I nodded in agreement.

"Got it! So, should I just add sparkling dust then?" I asked, seeking confirmation, and he nodded his head with a smile.

"But sparkling dust still sounds like it will glow in the dark. Hold on... am I making sense?" I questioned.

"No, a gown glowing in the dark isn't too nice. I think adding the fairy dust would be much better," he advised.

"Why?" I questioned.

"The fairy dust will make the dress even more beautiful. It won't actually glow in the dark, but it will add sparkle to the gown," he explained.

"And where do you think I'm going to find a fairy? Fairies are rare to find," I countered.

(I mean, where the heck would I find a fairy?)

(There ain't no fairies that can be find so easily... I mean, unless I would go to the forest again.)

(But going back there would make mother angry.)

(So it's out of the option... For now.)

"Hmm? What do you mean? There are fairies in this villa, you didn't know?" he replied.

"What are you talking about? There aren't any fairies in this villa," I insisted, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Hmm, are you sure about that? Because I can sense two fairies in this villa," he insisted.

"Two fairies?" I echoed, surprised by his claim.

"Yeah, I even saw them the day when I got you sick," he recalled.

"Do you remember their faces?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I think one of them was one of your maids, and the other one is a gardener," he replied confidently.

"Hold on, there are lots of maids here, but we only have one gardener," I pointed out and he smiled at me.

"Oh, for example, that one," he said, pointing his index finger behind me.

I turned around and saw Mr. David and Mr. Bosworth engaged in conversation. Mr. David was holding a shear in his hand and wearing a glove.

"You see that butler talking to the gardener man?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm looking," I replied.

"Well, that man belongs to the fairy race," he explained, prompting me to look at him in surprise.

"Why does he look like that then?" I questioned, staring at him.

"Do you... Really not know? Or are you pretending to be oblivious?" He asked and I stared at him.

"Would I be asking? Is he in his human form than? I'm guessing." I asked and he smiled ear to ear.

"Exactly." He says with a smile.

"He's in his human form." He says

"Fairies are very good at blending in with humans. Only people like me who are very powerful and skilled can tell the difference," he explained, causing me to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"Are you a wizard?" I asked, curious about his abilities. He smiled in response.

"An apprentice of a very powerful arch mage," he revealed with a smile, though it quickly faded.

"Oh, shit... That man is coming over here," he suddenly exclaimed, and I turned to see Mr. Bosworth approaching.

"Ah, I gotta go. That elf is going to be the end of me. I'll see you next time," he said hurriedly before disappearing into thin air.

(He called himself powerful, but he gets scared when Mr. Bosworth appears??)

(What happened to his 'I'm not scared of all of you, I'm Powerful'?)

" My lady?" Mr. Bosworth says as I then looked at him.

"Hello, Mr. Bosworth," I said with a smile.

"I heard you talking to someone," Mr. Bosworth says, looking around.

"Oh, I was just talking to myself," I said with a smile, but Mr. Bosworth seemed unconvinced.

"Are you sure, my lady?" Mr. Bosworth persisted, and I nodded my head, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"You're not very good at lying, my lady," Mr. Bosworth remarked, his expression remaining neutral.


"I can smell that person's scent. He hasn't left yet," Mr. Bosworth added, causing me to also look around in confusion.

(What? I thought he already left???)

I scanned my surrounding and was shocked to see that the person I was talking to a second ago hadn't really left. Instead, he had transformed himself into a fork.

(What the F?)

"You can shape-shift?" I asked, still surprised.

"What did you say, my lady?" Mr. Bosworth asked, prompting me to quickly turn my attention to him.

"N-Nothing, I was just talking to myself again. Haha..." I replied nervously, and Mr. Bosworth glanced around once more.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the fork on my table.

(So funny...)

(Out of all objects he could transform into, he just have to choose transforming into a fork...)

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