"I'm not talking to him, end of discussion."

I went to talk away but Max grabbed my arm. "Come on, Bels, please. Billy has always been an ass. And since we've moved here...he's been angry all the time. But there are days where he's happier and they're usually after he sees you."

When I looked at Max, she was pouting at me. "You think giving me a puppy dog look is going to work?"

"Yes because you love me."

"I've only met you once and we didn't talk."

"Please, Bela."

I sighed. "Fine."

She smiled. "Thank you!"

"All right, asshole! God!" we heard Dustin yell at Steve while Lucas shouted, "Ok! Stupid."

Max pointed at them. "Are they always like that?"

"Yeah, but you'll learn to love them."


We continued setting traps for Dart. Max and I kept talking and were getting to know one another better. I mean, I've seen her with Billy a few times and if what she told me is true then Billy must have told her stories about me.

"Out of curiosity," I started as we rolled some discarded empty oil barrels. "What has Billy been saying about me?"

"Not that we really talk and all but I have heard him tell his buddies on the phone how you were hot and how he almost cracked you." That fucking bitch. "He mostly tells his friends how you are a bitch but that makes the chase a lot better. But, whenever he would talk about you he had this weird stupid smile on his face. And it creeped me out when he still had it after he got off the phone before heading out...which I'm assuming is your place."

Wow, now I don't know if want to talk to him or not. Either he's going to be the nice Billy or the big prick who'll say stupid shit.

It was nightfall and we all hid inside the bus. Steve sat next to me with his bat up while Lucas was outside with binoculars looking for...whatever this Demogorgon is. I kept the lookout for any sound that was not human.

"You hear anything?" Steve asked.

I shook my head. "No."

"You don't really believe in this, do you?" Max asked me.

"Without a doubt," I answered honestly. I mean, I'm a vampire. Anything's possible. "Steve isn't a good liar anyway."

"Not true," he said before he took out a lighter and kept flipping it on and then off.

Max directed her next question to him. "So you really fought one of these things before?" Steve nodded. "And you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?"

"Shit. Don't be an idiot, ok?" Dustin snapped. "It wasn't a bear."

"Dustin, don't be rude," I scolded him. That is no way to talk to a...girl. Wait, that talk he had with me and Steve earlier is it about Max? "Be glad I believed you."

"That's the difference. You believe us, she doesn't. So why is she even here?" He glared at her. "Just go home."

Aw, so Dustin does have a crush on Max. So cute. But, Steve, I'm going to kick your ass later for telling Dustin to be an ass.

Max rolled her eyes before getting up. "Geesh. Someone's cranky," she said before heading toward the escape ladder. "Past your bedtime?"

With one more dirty look toward Dustin, she headed out. Steve gave Dustin a thumbs up before saying, "That's good. Just show her you don't care."

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