Start from the beginning

Calm down, bro! I thought as I looked away.


The sound of voices made me halt in my steps. I had decided, after Caleb had rudely sent me away from the soccer field, to take a walk around this labyrinth of a school. The school had as lot of corners and shortcuts and interconnected rooms and I was really impressed at the imagination of the architect who designed this.

But as I got towards the principal's apartment, I began to hear the disturbing sound together with muffled voices. Slowly I traced them to the apartment. Thankfully, the door was ajar so I was able to successfully tiptoe and peep inside.

It was at that instant I wished I had listened to Cecilia all along. I would have avoided ever seeing the terrible sight in front of me. Placed in the center of the living room was Cecilia. She was tied to a chair while Ryan sat down on a chair as well, opposite her. Surrounding her were the female bullies and they all seemed to be accusing her of something. Cecilia's head was bent low as she kept repeating.

"I didn't do that. I didn't ask for any of these."

"Oh shut up!" Emily snapped, hitting Cecilia on her face. It was at that point that I wanted to react. In fact, I would have barged into that room and done whatever was needed. But as I took a step, someone yanked me back, immediately covering my mouth.

All I did was struggle and let out a muffling scream due to my covered mouth until the person successfully pulled me away and into a passage. I definitely has expected to see who I saw as soon as I was released, Carlos de la Cruz.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "You knew?! You knew all these while that Cecilia was being bullied by those evil kids!" Carlos pursed his lips.

"Can you just for once, stop judging?" I relaxed a bit.

"What's going on?" I whispered, my voice cracking. "I'm sorry Carlos but I don't know what's going on and I don't even trust anyone anymore." Carlos closed his eyes briefly, sighing.

"I just found out today as well. Wanted to pay Principal Bennett a visit and the next thing I see is her living room being a torture room." I immediately clutched Carlos's hands.

"Carlos I have to do something. That's my best friend there being tied up in front of Ryan. Ryan? Of all people!" Carlos winced a bit.

"I get you. It's an ugly sight. But Sam, listen." He said placing his hands firmly on my shoulders to make me pay attention to him. "They are in a group and if I'm very sure, Caleb knows about this. He's the closest to Ryan, I'm sure he knows. But we need all the necessary information before we react and that's what I'm trying to get. There's more to those girls being around her and she getting hit by Emily. I've seen a few scenes between them in P.E before but I didn't think too much to it until now."

"O my goodness." I sobbed. "I was so hung up on the stupid slave duty, I didn't know they were up to something else. It's like they used the slavery as a distraction so I wouldn't have time for Cecilia." As I finished uttering those words, my eyes shot wide open as reality dawned on me. That was what they did! Every single time I was about my duties. Little wonder I never saw the girls at the Count! Were they all so bent on revenge that much? Did they hate Damon that much?

"Sam, stay calm." Carlos assured. "We'll get to the root of it together. And I'm not saying I'm scared of Ryan, but we must get to the root. Ryan bullies psychologically. For all I know, we would definitely be shocked at all we'd uncover from just that scene."

"They all must be punished, Carlos." Carlos released my shoulders frowning.

"Yes, definitely." He said. "However, just look out for Cecilia for the meantime. Don't ask her questions, just make sure she's always safe when she's alone. She has definitely been traumatized and they all must pay." I felt relieved at Carlos's conclusion. This was pure evil. They sure weren't going to get away with it. I was going to see to it. Every single one of them!


Hi guys!!!! How're you all doing? Thank you guys soooo much for your patience all these while! I really appreciate you all! God bless you! Thank you to everyone who reached out to me while I was away from this space for months. It wasn't easy but thank God for victory at the end as He's always done💃💃💃.

That was some intense chapter and various truths will be uncovered as the chapters go on. So I'll just drop a few verses from the Bible I'd like us to meditate on.

"I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!” John 16:33 BSB

"No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." Romans 8:37 NLT

[38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
[39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39

Have a great night rest guys! Always remember that God loves you sooooooo much so much He came as man in Christ Jesus to die for our sins, so we would be restored to fellowship with Him as He had originally planned for us and to give us eternal life, sealing us with His Holy Spirit, the earnest of our inheritance which we'll fully receive at Christ's second coming! Ephesians 1:3-14, John 3:16, John 1:14, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 10:8-10.

God bless you all!!!!


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