Chapter 10

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I regretted it so much.

I couldn't remove the picture from his diary right now as I was on my way to the location Selina sent therefore my only hope was to hope he hadn't seen it by the time I get back then when he isn't looking I just sneak it out.

I arrived and saw Selina looking in the boot of someone's car.

I approached her.

"Sorry I'm late, I was having a photo shoot"
I slipped.

"Your a model?"
Selina questioned.

"No not at all, let's just take this money and leave"
I answered.

I jumped as Bruce in his Batman suit appeared behind us.

I heard him and Selina bicker until we opened the bag and saw Annika's dead body.

I feel bad for Selina.

My thoughts was cut off by bullets being shot in our direction.

I hid behind a car and watched as I saw Bruce make his way to his own car.

Fuck it I'm following him, I'm sure he has a plan.

If anything that car could stop them from shooting at Selina.

I made my way past the bullets somehow and got in the passenger seat.

"Bruce, drive unless you want Selina to be shot to death"
I demanded.

It was all fine until we started speeding after Penguin and almost crashed like 50 times.

I felt like I was having a heart attack every second but no I was just fucking terrified.

"Fuck off"
I yelled.

I yelled at the Penguin as he started shooting at the window which was right next to me and I really didn't want to be shot.

I grimaced and held in a gasp as we had to drive through fire.

I think I just saw my life flash before my eyes.

I was relieved once Bruce parked the car.

I got out once Bruce and James Gordon began questioning the Penguin.

I glared as Penguin called the Riddler stupid.

"Who are you meant to be?"
Penguin questioned.

Penguin was looking at me so I presume he was asking me.

"Someone who wants to go home"
I whined.

I was ignored after that.

I ignored them too, I went and sat back in the car.

Luckily Bruce dropped me off in Gotham central before him and James Gordon checked out the old Orphanage.

I got back to Edward's apartment.

I presume he was in the bathroom.

I quickly looked in his diary to see if the picture was still there, my eyes widened when it was gone.

I heard noises coming from the bathroom.

I'm pretty sure he was uh excited over that picture.

I was debating whether to just act casual and pretend like I didn't know anything or to say something.

Edward walked out of the bathroom.

I waved at him but continued reading my book which I had with me often.

Tongue Twister (Edward Nashton/Riddler X Fem! OC) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat