Chapter 4

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"Took your time"
Bruce muttered.

"So impatient"
I huffed.

"The Riddler seems to know you"
Bruce responded.

"People are dying Niara"
Bruce glared.

"Bruce, don't you realize there all corrupt? They deserve it"
I replied.

Bruce remained silent.

"Are you protecting him?"
Bruce asked.

"I just don't exactly disagree with him"
I muttered.

Bruce didn't say much but just looked at me.

I smiled at Alfred as Bruce and I walked towards where Alfred was sat.

I liked Alfred, he taught me how to fight, same with Bruce actually.

I saw Alfred was trying to workout some sort of code.

"Where did you get the O's from?"
Bruce asked.

"Did the Riddler leave this?"
I wondered.

Bruce deadpanned.

Bruce suggested something which eventually revealed the word drive.

"I'm not going with you, I don't want your bestie police officer's giving me interviews"
I scoffed.

"I don't know what your hiding but you shouldn't be"
Bruce warned.

I didn't have work till the next day therefore I had a whole day to myself.

Well actually I don't think Bruce was meeting up with James Gordon till night but I didn't know what I would talk about with Bruce for a whole day.

I should ask him if he wants to do something.

"Well we have a whole day, why don't you catch up with your friend who you never have time for anymore?"
I smirked.

I got bored of hanging around in Wayne manor, it had been a few hours.

"Come on Batty boy let's do something fun, we could actually go outside"
I grinned.

I was starting to debate if Bruce had actually seen daylight in the past few years at all.

Bruce gave me a look.

I groaned.

The thing I sat up as I got call.

I frowned as I saw it was from my Father, what did he want?

"I thought you wasn't in contact with him anymore?"
Bruce questioned.

"I'm not"
I replied.

I answered the phone and waited for him to speak first.

"I'm sorry to hear about Ben"
My father spoke.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Ben this, Ben that, well here is my opinion, fuck Ben, Ben sucks.

"I'm not, did you pay him to date me?"
I questioned.

"Well listen- you see he was in debt and your quite the weirdo and it looks bad on the family so I thought someone more normal would be good for you"
My Father informed.

Tongue Twister (Edward Nashton/Riddler X Fem! OC) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon