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Successful Adaptation [Catch Bugs]

The blue sky is high and there are floating clouds passing by. It is a rare good weather in Newness in a year. You must know that most of the year here is a cold winter with snowflakes, and the spring, summer and autumn disappear in a blink of an eye.

Ryan, who had just passed his 30th birthday and had not yet been in love and married, stepped on the deadline to come to the government marriage registration office under the urging of the government's reminder that his personal newsletter was popular.

Ryan, who has soft black hair and gentle brown eyes, stands at the marriage registration office with his beret in his hand, and turns his head to look at the various statues symbolizing love in the small garden on one side. The cute plump and long-winged children, beautiful and graceful The fairy, the handsome and handsome young man...the beautiful body and love that are desirable.

"Hey..." Ryan really didn't expect that he would not find his future partner at the age of 30. Instead, he would come to the marriage registry to register, and then wait for the gene-adapted object to appear, and then force the marriage, for the sake of the country. Birth the second generation.

In 3019, human beings have entered the interstellar era. With the development of science and technology, human beings have gone further in their research on themselves. They have broken the limitations of ancient human beings, and have a longer lifespan, a stronger body, and a smarter brain... At the same time, it brings There are also urgent trends of declining marriage rates and negative population growth rates for more than two hundred years.

According to state regulations, men and women have the right to love freely before the age of 30, but when they reach the age of 30, they will be forced to marry by the state before they get married.

The way of marriage is very simple, it is eugenics and eugenics.

Prenatal and postnatal care relies on genetic adaptation. After childbirth is not limited to gender, as a biological male whose gene sequence is Y, the gene sequence of the matching object is X, and he/she may be a woman or a man. Once matched To be successful is to get married.

If you don't get married, you will be deducted from social credit points. No matter how many you have, it will be deducted below 60. The consequences of failing to pass are very serious...

Ryan smiled bitterly. The comrades in arms just felt that the matching wife looked too bad, and resolutely resisted not getting married. The day he failed the credit score, he was expelled from the military, the house he bought with the loan was repossessed, and he couldn't pay in any shop...

Ryan took a deep breath. No matter who the marriage is suitable for, he will be good to the other party and responsible for the other party. As a man with gene sequence Y, this is a responsibility.

There were not a few people who came to handle it. Ryan took the number in the affairs hall. It was 1103, and there were more than 400 people in front.

Fortunately, registration is very fast. Filling in forms, submitting personal information, and drawing blood for gene entry can be done by one person in ten minutes.

In the clean and bright hall, Ryan took a magazine from the desk in the waiting area and flipped through it.

The cover of the magazine is General Auston Dalton, the youngest general of the Central Empire. He just returned from the front line of the station three months ago. With the honor of being the first soldier, he led the special team to defeat the Zerg mothership. The situation of the station has been reversed, the Zerg has been severely defeated, and the border peace has been ensured. After this battle, the Zerg will not violate the border for 20 years.

On the cover, General Dalton is wearing a military uniform, his eyes squinting into the distance. A handsome and resolute face, deep black eyes, a slight smile on the corners of his mouth upturned... The delicate face is full of masculine charm.

"What a tough man, I've seen him from a distance once."

"You actually match with General Dalton!"

Ryan looked at the young man who was talking beside him, with long chestnut hair, blue eyes, and retro unilateral round glasses, very gentle. Needless to say, the person who entered this hall must be an unmarried man in his thirties.

Ryan nodded, he was a gentle young man, "I am a logistics sergeant in the third flagship team of the Golden Cross led by the general." Ryan added in his heart that he is the cook of the sixth team's 12th star ship and has served for ten years. , the dishes are delicious.

Although the dream is to become a ship commander, or a mecha warrior, or a mecha repairer, in the end, he has been self-studying, and the effect is not bad, but the reality is to wander around the pots and pans.

"When the starship assembled half a year ago, I saw the commander from a distance... Oh, it's General Dalton, we like to call him the commander."

"It's great." The youth's blue eyes showed envy, "General Dalton is 41 years old this year, of course, this age is not old at all. Now the average age of death in the empire is 362 years old, and the oldest one I read the news is already 412 years old, and he's a young lad at 41. I mean, General Dalton is in the fit, he's so good, if only I could fit him."

The young man with chestnut long hair has an X gene sequence, and is his wife when he fits.

Ryan said with a smile, "Maybe it's possible. So far, there is no wife suitable for the general, so everyone is possible."

"Yes, many people don't get married because they can have a fateful encounter with General Dalton when their genes are adapted. How romantic." The young man thought to himself.

"Bless you then." Ryan stood up and waved his hand. The personal terminal on his wrist showed that it was his turn.

"Unfortunately, I can't bless you." The young man said goodbye to Ryan. The blue font displayed on the terminal was completely different from his own red font. He knew that the other party's gene sequence was Y, and he certainly couldn't be with the very MAN Dalton. Generals combined.

When he arrived at the window, Ryan quickly completed the registration procedures. The small wound on his finger was slightly painful. In less than ten seconds, his genetic status would be entered into the system, maybe a day, maybe a year... or even him As soon as he stepped out of the registration center, he received a message from the government, informing him that the other half had been found.

"The entry is successful, please wait for the film..." The staff's eyes gradually widened, first in shock, then in disbelief, and their eyes went back and forth between Ryan and the information display...

Ryan was nervous, "Is there a problem?"

"Yes, yes... No, no." The staff swallowed and hurriedly said, "Please wait a moment, no no, please come to the office on the side, very soon."

Ryan went to the office with an uneasy mood, and soon a head-like figure appeared, smiling and lighting up a light screen in front of him.

Ryan always felt that this man's smile was unspeakably weird.

The line of sight moved and landed on the light screen, and a handsome face that I had just seen appeared in the field of vision.

"What do you mean?" Ryan was still a little confused, but his heart began to beat fast.

The director said, "Congratulations, your wife has been found."

"Haha." Ryan twitched his lips, "No, no..."

"We have notified General Dalton."

Ryan: "..."

The author has something to say: the story of the future interstellar~

Decided to double-open, for the sake of my hard work, asking for collections, attention, clicks and comments (the helpless and pitiful author huddled in the corner and looked at you).

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