28 || Save You

198 8 0

[ - sooyoung kim - ]

I opened my eyes for what I felt like the second time and this time I can hear someone beside me, crying. I turned to see whom it was and it was my parents. When our eyes met, she immediately called the doctor over

The nurses and doctor came in and ran up some tests and told me that I'd have to stay by the hospital for about 3 more days just to make sure I'm fully alright. I just nodded. When they left, mother immediately cupped both of my cheeks examining me

"Honey are you alright now ? How do you feel ?" she asked

I stared at her blankly as the words she spat out towards me last night kept on replaying in my head over and over. I slapped her hands off of me

Both of my parents looked at me in disbelief

"Sophia ! Don't be rude to your mother !" said father

"Is she though ?" I asked as I stared at both of them blankly

"What do you mean ?" mother asked as she was still dumbfounded by my response

"I mean, you yelled at me yesterday. You said I was a mistake. I was uneducated. Hell, even before last night. Both of you never treated me like your own daughter. So get lost. Someone who doesn't care about their child shall not bear the title of parents" I said as I was still staring at them blankly

"Honey I--"

"Get out. I don't want to see both of you." I said sternly

Both of them had no choice but to leave.

Right after they left, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Jisoo, Jeonghan and Hansol entered the ward. They looked so worried and asked about what happened. I told them everything of course and they were surprised

My face remains as still as a statue.

I asked on how did I even end up here and the maid that worked with my family answered it. When I heard that, I felt bitter. Really bitter. If it wasn't for her, I'd have to stay in this miserable life for god knows how long...

Save You • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now