19 || Save You

198 9 0

[ - jisoo hong - ]

Sunday came by. My friends and I are waiting for 3 people left. Wonwoo, Mingyu and Sooyoung. We waited and waited then they arrived.

Her way of dressing is very polite and elegant. My heart race seeing her. Judging from how others are looking at her, pretty sure they thought of her the same way that I do now.

"Wahh you're prettier than usual !" Jeonghan praised her

"A-ah-- Th-Thank y-you" she stuttered, looking down shyly

Yes, I felt like my heart got shot by an arrow. She's really cute oh my goodness

"She's a bit shy, pardon her" said Wonwoo as he ruffles her hair

"Hey ! Don't do my hair like that !" she scolded Wonwoo

"Sorry sorry" he laughed

"This is Sooyoung Kim ! Our cousin" said Mingyu with a grin

"She's a 98 liner and she's the youngest in her family" Mingyu added

"It's nice to meet all of you" she bowed her head, showing respect to all of us

The boys then introduced themselves to her and they got along quite well. She seemed very happy though so I don't really want to complain or anything

All of us had fun together and that was actually the first time I saw the joy in her eyes. Don't get me wrong, she had always been smiling sweetly and happily but I could tell it was empty and plain.

It's that kind of she seemed happy but she actually isn't. I can't ask too much since she'll think that I'm just prying into her life. We do call each other from time to time just so that she'll vent whatever is bothering her but... A part of me thinks that she wasn't telling the truths

"Don't worry much"

"I'm really happy today"

"I'm doing well"

Those words. When she said it, it NEVER give me any reassurance so I'm worried.

I really hope it's just an assumption

Save You • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now