06 || Save You

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[ - jisoo hong - ]

"Can't you just get to the point ?" asked Jeonghan

"Honestly, Sooyoung was never like this before. She's very obedient and she's good at almost everything. I admit she could be a bit spoiled sometimes but, she's not really THAT bad" said Mingyu

"Everything she did were never acknowledged by her parents. Because of how successful both her siblings are, she's been looked down at ever since she was little" he added

"She kinda involved herself with bad circles during junior high and that's when her rebellion phase started" said Wonwoo

"She had good grades, but of course her attitude isn't the best there yet. Because it actually caught both of her parents' attention, she actually used that method just to be noticed. She didn't care if it was bad" Wonwoo added

"That still doesn't give her rights to bully others" Jeonghan crossed his arms

"I know and I'm very sorry on her behalf. I'll do my best to lecture her" said Wonwoo as he bowed his head down

"You know what ? I'll do that instead" I said to them and Jeonghan looked at me in disbelief

"Seriously Joshuji ?" he asked in disbelief

"I am of course. I mean, I wasn't really that different from her back in junior high so I actually feel like I should help her out somehow" I responded

"Wouldn't that be a bother to you ? I mean... She's really stubborn..." said Mingyu

"Well, you just need to be patient you know ? But I promise to give it my all with helping you out" I smiled

"God what did we deserve to have you in our lives" said Wonwoo as he laughed softly

"Geez, it's nothing special" I rolled my eyes playfully

"Thank you so much hyung. I really hope you'd be able to change her somehow" Mingyu sighed

"But I do need a start up. Give me her numbers" I said as I handed my phone to Mingyu after unlocking it

"Ah, of course" Mingyu took it and keyed in her numbers

"Alright, thank you" I said with a smile

Let's see what I can do to change you

Save You • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now