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@@@@@@Christian's p.o.v@@@@@
Me and Tay were sitting on a clouds I made talking to the other mutants. I honestly can say that I have a crush on Alex. He's this badass dude that looks hot as hell. I think Tay is crushing on Darwin. Oh I'm gonna have to tease her about this later. She is giving him the googly eyes. So everyone decide to show off their powers. After everyone did theirs ( Alex looked sexy af😍) they all looked at Tay and I. Of course me being me looked at Taylor too. She look at me and we had a conversation in our head. I spoke up and said ,"That's for us to know and you to find out" while winking at Alex. 

++++++Time Skip cause I'm lazy and don't remember++++++

We were partying to the music I turned on (cause I'm the life of dis partay). Angel was flying, Tay was floating, and Mystic was watching them while dancing. Alex, Sean, and I were trying to hurt Darwin (as weird as that sounds). I turned into a saber-tooth tiger. I roared and scared everyone except Tay-Tay. I started biting the sh*t out of his arm but he STILL WASNT HURT. I turned back to normal and stood there with my hands on my hips, staring at dis fool. "HOW ARE YOU STILL NOT HURT" I yelled. 

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT" yelled Alex.

"IM A MUTANT TOO DUMBASS" I yelled back.

" oh yea....ha....I forgot" Alex said sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with me. Ughhhh he is so CUTE.

++++++++++ Alex's POV++++++++++++++

I hope she doesn't think I'm a complete block head.



I'm like so sorry I kept trying to update but I couldn't for some reason unknown I hope you like and still read and enjoy. I'm going to try and update more. BYE MY LIL FRIES ILY

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