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I blinked at a dim glow ahead, confused. I looked back at the elderly gray fox, with no original name, Gray. The old fox was padding slowly, annoyence in his eyes. I cocked my head. He said the cats here were soft, not dangerous! I couldn't think of anything more dangerous than the forest cats. Why was Gray annoyed with me running ahead? I was just exited!

Suddenly, I heard a growl. It slowly grew louder, until it was a deathly roar. I padded over to a bush and peered through. A dark red blur flashed past my nose. I jumped back in surprise. Was that dangerous? Maybe that's why Gray was so annoyed with me. I didn't know! I saw that Gray had gone ahead. I followed him with curiousity.

"Gray," I whispered. "Where are we going?"

Gray stopped and looked at me, deep wisdom in his eyes. I bit back a compliment. Not all old foxes were as wise as they looked!

"We are heading towards a Camp," Gray replied, his eyes dark. "You will learn much there."

"For the last time," I growled. "I don't want to join a Skulk!"

Pain shot my side as Gray scratched it. I cringed, not knowing what it was leading to.

"This isn't a Camp for foxes!" Gray snapped. "Foxes woudn't survive there if they were inexperienced. This is a No-Pelt Camp. They do not even stay here. They come for a while, then leave, more No-Pelt going in their place."

"What in the name of the Spirit Foxes are No-Pelts?" I scoffed disbelievingly. "Such an odd name!"

"They are dangerous!" Gray hissed. "Even more dangerous than cats! Especially the green ones. Those ones have long, black sticks that make a horrible sound that kills foxes if they are in the right place. I have seen many deaths by No-Pelts in my long life."

I shivered at the thought of the long No-Pelt sticks. I didn't want to die that way. Then I heard a murmuring sound from the creatures than roared.

"What's that?" I asked, not wanting to face danger.

"The No-Pelts have put their ShinyFox to sleep," Gray answered. "That's one danger you need to know about. ShinyFoxes are deadly creatures. They are fast enough and strong enough to knock any fox to it's death. When it tries to kill another ShinyFox, both die. But it is loyal to it's No-Pelt. Look."

I padded over to the gray fox, peering over a elder bush. I saw what No-Pelts were. They had no fur exept for the top of their heads. The females had longer fur than the males, and they wore strange, colourful, fake pelts. They also stood on two legs, their forepaws hanging on their sides.

They were creeping out of the sleeping ShinyFox, the kits letting out exited screams. But they would probably go to sleep soon, too. The older two put up a pelt the shape of a pyramid. After a while, one of the female kits, which unwittingly caught my eye, sat down to stare at a split open rectangle. Every so often it would peel off a thin bit of it and put it on the other side. Another female twisted around sideways like a ShinyFox paw, but slower. The male, the youngest one, would kick a soft-looking sphere around, screeching.

"They're weird," I commented. "Anyways, what do I need to know?"

"You will live in the city," Gray told me. "I will guide you for one day. When the sun rises, I will leave you to fend for yourself."

I understood. Gray would tell me the basics and other stuff and I would be good to go. Well, good enough. I suddenly felt watched. Something dark was coming, and I thought I saw a flash of fear in Gray's eyes. Something would happen. I knew it. And it did. But that's the end of my storytelling. Ahead of you is something even I can't tell you with my own words. Maybe you'll hear about it from her...

Okay so that's the end of the prologue! Did ya like it? It is basically a first person POV of Amber. I'll make chapter one soon!

~ HeatherStar

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