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It was the times of times, it was the times of times. The times were timing onto times, but for the other times, it was certainly the time. But what is time? How do you time? Je m'appelle time? The boys were out at lunch, they were at a new prime spot within the city. A fancy, wonderful buffet, that's only had like two people shit in the food. But compared to all the other buffets in the city, that's quite a good ratio.

"Did you know they have deep fried butter here?" Claus returned to the table with a full plate of food. He basically dropped his plate on the table, as he sat down with the other boys. He then began to shove food in his mouth at a rate so fast that Anti-Matter began to spark out of his mouth.

"I prefer deep fried ass," Ninten mentioned, as he continued to sip on his Chinese-Polish Perogie Wonton Soup. Claus jerked his head to look across the table, where Ninten was sitting, and pulled out his phone to order 19 metric tons of deep fried butter to Ninten's house. "Remember that time when we deep fried your ass? Man that was a good meal."

"At least it grew back in time for the regional ass competition," Claus continued to chow down on his food, meanwhile Ness and Lucas were eating their food at a normal pace and having a really normal conversation.

"You bought how many sunflower plantations?" Ness asked, as he ate some of his cow testicles. Lucas nodded, as he got a hold of a live chicken and began to hack away at it.

"I bought all of them," Lucas tore the pig in half, and pulled out the goat intestines, frying up some of that delicious lamb meat using the buffets public fryer. "I now own all the sunflowers on earth. I now have a copyright trademark LTD on the Sunflower."

"I mean, hey, I'm not one to judge," Ness shrugged, and pressed a bell to call the waiter over. The waiter grabbed another set of utensils, and dropped them in Ness' hair, which he pulled out and began to use. "Because of a technicality, I have a monopoly over homosexuality."

"Bullshit, I'm not paying any fees to go. Go eat a dick," Ninten chimed in, and whipped out his cock and started cumming.

"One step ahead of you," Ness began to cut into his buffalo penis. "And also, I'd never be one to ask for fees...Unlike someone I know."

"Hey, just because I've copyrighted the word "God" and I've made millions and millions of dollars causing people unaware of my trademark to go into bankruptcy, doesn't mean I'm a bad person," Claus explained as he began to eat some Nigerian fingers.

"I am literally God, so you won't be getting any money from me," Lucas said as he pulled his fish and chips out of the fryer, and placed his plate in front of him.

"Well why don't you just swallow cum then, how about that?" Claus rebutted.

"Gladly, how about I do it right now?" Lucas dropped under the table and pulled down Ness' pants, giving him a quick blowy and swallowing, before rising back up to his seat with little droplets of cum still on his face. He then began to eat his fish and chips, but before he could, he took the deep fried fish and threw it out so that only the fried remained. Claus looked at this with horror, and started cumming himself.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Claus looked at Lucas, and placed a demonic curse on him solely with his eyesight. Claus knew about Lucas' dislike for fish ever since 2100 BC, and hated that Lucas never liked fish. Claus himself loved fish, he even fucked a few.

"I don't like fish," Lucas began to eat his fries, saving the grease in a little glass container. Ness started cumming his pants. Claus continued to look at Lucas with daggers. Oh, and his glare was also pretty sharp I guess.

Claus looked over at another table, which had four men dressed in suits. Claus nodded at them, as they adjusted themselves as they stood up, and positioned themselves in front of the boys table as per the performance requirement. Claus then cleared his throat, and stood up with them.

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