Take Your Time

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Hey hey. So this oneshot is what I had originally planned the other Persona themed oneshot to be. It was changed due to the concept which this story was based off of not being fully finished. But, I've finished it now, so I figured I'd rewrite this. I may make a prequel to it, if I feel like it. Also, side note, this is my 20th story! I just want to say thanks to everyone who's read anything I wrote. Even though you probably don't care about me, I'm glad you still read my stuff. Anyways, onto the story!


Lucas had finally made it. After taking down three other rulers, he was finally ready to face his greatest foe. He and his friends had made plans to go to the Palace of their new target that very afternoon. Despite having done this three time over, Lucas was quite nervous. Something about the person they were going after petrified Lucas. He had never been one to be scared of The Metaverse, let alone Shadows, but something about this mission made him a tad anxious.

Lucas and his friends had taken down three targets before this. Sephiroth, their school's principal. Bayonetta, a model who partook in human trafficking. And Luigi, a corrupt hotel chain owner stealing from his guests. All of which seemed like small fries compared to who they were planning on taking down.

Lucas and his friends were all Persona users. They had all stumbled onto their powers when accidentally coming across the Metaverse. Lucas, Ness, Ninten, and Claus acted as "Phantom Thieves." They like to pretend that they came up with that themselves, but in reality, their close friend Ren gave them the idea. Ren was also a Persona user, although he rejected the offer to join when Lucas asked him.

"Holy shit." Lucas and his friends stood out of a large Palace. The Palace was a castle, although it wasn't a normal castle like in movies or tv. This castle was made entirely out of metal, and other futuristic looking materials. The four boys looked up at the castle, and gawked at it's sheer magnitude.

Before any of the boys could speak, a loud booming voice could be heard. "Come in." The voice, somehow, echoed throughout the area. As it spoke, the front drawbridge to the castle lowered.

"This place......actually looks kind of cool!" Claus said, slightly excited to be there. "Yeah...the coolness of this place is quite juxtapose with who owns it," Ninten responded, taking in the sight of the castles interior walls. Lucas was speechless, he just gripped his staff and kept walking.

"Come on...we have to get this over with," Ness smiled, and moved so that he was walking beside Lucas.

"Someone's trying hard to hide their excitement," Lucas sighed.

"I am not excited."

"Not even a little...?"

"......fine, maybe a little." Ness patted Lucas on the back, and twirled his bat in a circle. "There he is."

The four boys walked for a bit, until they reached the castle foyer. The foyer was large, and lavish. It had statue's lining the walls, gold plated chairs, and tons of other useless niceties. Standing in the middle of the foyer, was a creature. The creature had a green torso, along with some green circle on the top of its head. The head was entirely black, along with its legs. It had tan boots and gloves, and bright red eyes.

Lucas put his hand in front of the group, as the creature slowly turned around. "Careful.....it's probably a Shadow." And indeed it was. The creature slowly dissolved into a dark energy, before reappearing as a Mara.

Now, Mara was an.....interesting Persona. He seemed fairly normal, until you looked at his his main body. It had a distinct......phallic shape. The shape of Mara almost made Claus burst out in laughter. Despite his age, Claus was always weak to jokes about that part of the male anatomy. And since Mara was practically one giant, living, breathing, dick joke......Claus could barely contain himself.

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