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Hey hey hey, it was Thanksgiving last week. A holiday I personally like, due to the hall pass for over eating you get. I would just like to thank the British and the French for making this all possible, and amen. And y'know what, fuck it, I'm not gonna clarify that I'm talking about Canadian Thanksgiving since I'm Canadian. Although by saying that, I have inadvertently clarified it. Fuck.

Anyways, that's about it, and hope you enjoy! Also, this will be more of a Smash story, rather than Nesscas.


Ah October, what a perfect month around the city. Despite being the month that houses the most destructive holiday, up until next year that is, everyone seemed to act in relative harmony. Something about the calming atmosphere of autumn just makes everyone a lot more relaxed then they normally would be. The children are playing, the trees are growing even though a blocky man keeps trying to cut them down, and the birds are chirping and flying their fighter jets. Just one ole peaceful month.

But there was also something special about this month, besides Halloween. Thanksgiving, the holiday of mass eating and pretending you care about the fact that your country has freedoms or whatever. Now, Thanksgiving in the city isn't some shit shoot. It's a holiday everyone cares about deeply, due to the aforementioned food. Every year the Thanksgiving traditions seem to increase in scale. The first year there were twelve people attending, and the latest year there were just over eighty people. But this year, the head of the Thanksgiving traditions wanted to do something unthinkable. Hold a city wide Thanksgiving celebration. And what madman would try to do that, but Lucas.

Everyone who attended the previous Thanksgiving sat around one large circular table, within their communal mansion. The mansion hadn't been used in a long while, and was actually due for destruction quite soon. But Lucas managed to dig up enough blackmail on the person who owned the company who wanted to destroy the mansion, to postpone its demolition for another few months.

But now was no time for sorrow, now was the time for planning. See, the dinner was today. Lucas spent the entire last day sending out invitations to anyone who he thought would be remotely interested in coming. He even sent one out to the boy Cloud always taking about, although all he got back was a piece of paper with a ridiculous dollar amount on it and a mouse logo. Same as usual.

Everyone sitting at the table began to get a little restless, as Lucas had yet to show himself. Or maybe because they were 80+ people sitting at one large table. Either one works.

"Where the hell is he?!" Ness asked himself out loud, quite loudly. He checked his watch, and sure enough, they had been waiting four forty-five minutes for Lucas to arrive.

"We should be asking you that," Wolf spoke up, catching Ness' attention. "He is your boyfriend after all."

"Yeah, and he left our room at like four in the morning," Ness responded, pulling out his phone. He scrolled through the multiple messages he had sent Lucas. The messages hadn't even gone through, meaning Lucas' phone had to be off. "He was going on about how he needed to prepare the turkey that early or some shit."

"He stopped by my room at like 6 am, and asked for some Pokeballs," Red added, crossing his arms in his seat. "Apparently he needed them for fishing, which I'm not entirely sure that's how Pokeballs work."

"All I know is, I'm hungry," K. Rool brought up, rubbing his stomach. "And bored, I'm real bored."

"Well just don't start remodeling the furniture," Chrom told K Rool, as he turned his head behind himself. Right behind him, were Steve and Alex. They appeared to be destroying a nearby couch with an axe, and replacing it with a...wooden couch? "Like a couple of blocky assholes I know!"

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