Lover Of The Seas

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"Ah, we're back again!"

Lucas and Claus were standing in the middle of a bustling group. Despite the large foot traffic, they were standing completely still. They were standing in the entrance to the airport. Both boys were smiling, anticipating events to come.

"I still can't believe we're going on two vacations within the span of three months!" The boys started to walk through the airport, Hinawa and Flint lightly pushing them from behind. As previously stated, the airport was quite busy. It was that time of year when families, important people, and others would travel quite often. "Well the first one was free, thank you Ness, but we're paying for this one."

Claus looked up at his dad. "Where are we even going...another resort?" Flint chuckled, and rubbed his hands together. "You'll both see soon," Lucas leaned into Claus' ear. "Okay, Dr. Evil," this gave Claus a small chuckle.

The family made their way to the luggage check and, unlike last time, seamlessly made their way through without any problems arising. They headed through the large airport and down towards security. 

Lucas placed his suitcase onto the conveyer belt. It was a rather large suitcase, yet it still fit through the scanner. Lucas stood in front of the people scanner, waiting for the guard to give him the signal. "Please proceed," the guard waved at Lucas, without looking up from the screen. Lucas nodded, and walked through. 

He made it through just fine, no loud ear piercing beeps, but the problem arose when his bag went through. The guards screen flashed red, as the words "Inspection Needed" appeared on the screen. The guard stood up, and grabbed Lucas' bag. "One moment please," The guard walked off, to go look inside the bag.

Lucas blushed a little, as Claus walked to him, a confused look on his face. "What......did you bring?" Lucas just looked at the floor, and kicked it slowly. "Sh-Shut up..." He muttered under his breath.

Lucas stood there for a good few minutes, awaiting the guards return with his luggage. After a few minutes the guard returned, his face now six shades paler. "M-My mistake sir...h-here's your bag," Lucas quickly snatched the bag away, and speed-walked off. Claus looked with confusion, but simply shrugged it off and followed Lucas.

They soon made it to the gate they were supposed to depart through. The gate was already packed, and reasonably so. Most people were going to the same place as them. Lucas looked around, as a slight look of disappointment graced his face. "H-Hey...where's Ness and Ninten?" Lucas used his finger to track where he was looking at the crowd. Claus shrugged, and grabbed Lucas' arm. "Dunno. Probably at some shop. C'mon, let's go look for them," And just like that, Claus pulled Lucas off to go look in some nearby shops.

One of the things the airport was famous for, was it's large assortment of stores and restaurants. Sure, most of them were tourist traps and duty-free stores, but there were a few hidden gems amongst the piles of dog shit. 

The first store Claus pulled Lucas into was called Cross Essentials. The logo for it being a ball with a small cross slash on the bottom left. The store was small, so small that it was on the cusp of qualifying as a booth. It sold travel essentials, in case you forgot any.

"Why are we here?" Lucas asked, standing outside the store. "Because..." Claus looked up and down a rack of magazines "I forgot, like, six things while packing." Lucas sighed, and leaned on a nearby wall. He closed his eyes, waiting for Claus.

After a few minutes of waiting, Lucas felt a little tap on his shoulder. He opened his eyes, to find Ness standing at his side. Ness smiled at Lucas. "You're cute when you sleep," This made Lucas stutter a little. "Wh-What...?" Ness shrugged, and leaned beside Lucas. "Nothing...where's Claus?" Lucas used his back leg to softly kick himself off the wall. "In that store...where's Ninten?" Lucas nodded towards the shop Claus was in. 

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