Dauntless initiation

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Clary's pov
" Alright everybody wake up " four , one of our instructors yelled as we all got out of bed without hesitation

" Today we'll be learning how to shoot guns " he said and all the Cullens smirk because we're good at it

Jace , Isabelle , Isaac and Alec however , don't seem to know how to use them since they were always pre-occupied with knives

I wonder how hailey and simone are going . I hope they're alright .

Four shows us a demonstration and asked 5 people to start off as everybody else watched

Edward , Aden , Rayden , Jason and I raised our hands up and went to the target with out guns pointed at the middle , we aimed and hit the middle with a smirk on our faces as we turned around to see everyone's shocked faces including our instructors

After that the rest of the dauntless initiates tried aiming right at the middle but failed miserably including , jace , Isabelle , Isaac and Alec .

Peter , one of our instructors is pretty cool , I like his sarcasm all the time

" Hey red , how's dauntless training ? " Peter asks as I smirk and answered " pretty easy "

" Tris wanted you to sit by with us during dinner , what do you say ? " Peter asks

" Sure , why not " I say as I finished shooting all the targets in the middle without fail

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