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Clary's pov
I can't wait for Hayley to come stay for new York , she's my friend that's always been there for me .

And that's why I'm waiting in the airport for her flight to pick her up

It's been hours but I don't mind . she's amaizing , " flight 15 has arrived " the announcer said and I squeal when I see her

" Hayley ! " I say as I give her a hug
" Clary I've missed you " she squeals and hugs me in return

" Let's get back to my Chevrolet and head to my mansion " I reply , " You and your mansions " she says rolling her eyes and laughing

Everytime we see each other I owned am over the top mansions . I guess that's why it Dosent suprise her 😂

" Well it's better than nothing " I say as we laugh all the way back to my Chevrolet

" So what's been going on with your life ? " I ask Hayley , " Ohh you know , writing my new book and being AUSOME " she yells the last part as I give out a small laugh

She hasn't changed a bit . and in a way I'm glad she didn't . " So what's up with our life ? " She asks

" I met new friends " I say , " Human ones like me or bloodsuckers ? " She

" Humans like you , Hayley " I reply looking at her , " I really missed you " she says " me too " I say as we smile andisten to our favourite songs and singing along

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