The train ride

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Clary's pov
We followed all the other dauntless and soon found out we had to jump on a train if we don't want to be factionless

We all ran to the train and amaizing we all made it . Then we had to jump out of the train and land on a rooftop which we also successfully reached without killing ourselves

" Alright listen up my name is eric and I'm one of your dauntless leaders " eric says as he explains to is that we have to jump off the rooftop

" So who wants to go first ? " Eric asks as I went up " ahh a red head " eric says seeming amused at me

I looked down to the ground . it's at Least twelve storeys tall . well it's just like dying , no big deal . I jumped of and landed in a net

A hand appears at the end of the net and I grab it . " Hi I'm tris , what's your name ? " Tris asks " clary , clary
Cullen " I say

" First jumper , clary " a guy behind tris says , " You'll fit in just fine " tris says as I smiled back

Next to jump was Edward , followed by Jason , Rayden and Aden . the rest all screamed all the way down .

Once everybody jumped down we all stood in a line " alright listen up , this year we're going to be putting dauntless and transfers together " eric says

" These are your instructors , four , tris , Christina , will , Uriah and Peter "
He says pointing to each of them

" They will show you to your dorm "
Eric says as he leaves and let's our instructors to deal with us

" Alright follow us " four says
" Hey guys looki found two red
Heads " Peter says as he points to me and Edward

" Ohh and the girl is a hottie " he adds and jace comes up to him " you might be my instructor but nobody flirts with my girlfriend exept me "

" Jace calm down " I say , " Oh you guys know each other ? " Christina asks

" Yeah this is Isabelle , Alec , Isaac , jace
Their my friends , Edward , Jason , Rayden and Aden are family " I say pointing to each of them

" Oh then that's great that's you have friends to help you out " will says with a smile

" Thanks " I reply as we all walked to the dorm , " hey clary , do you want to hang with us ? " Uriah asks pointing to my instructors

" Yeah sure " I say as I follow them
" So what's your aptitude results ? " Peter asks as tris nudges him " peter that's private " she says , " No that's alright , my aptitude results were abnegation , amity , candor , dauntless and erudite " I say as they look at me in shock

" Divergent " tris whispers , " Yeah that " I say , " but you got all the factions , that's impossible " Christina says

" Not impossible , see technically I'm not human , I'm a vampire " I say flashing them my eyes and fangs and they gasped

" Why aren't you sucking out blood ? " Peter asks , " Because my family likes to think of ourselves as vegetarians , it keeps you strong but you never fully satisfy " I say as they nod in understanding

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